That varies from one woman to another, and also depends on how early she first began having her period. If a girl began having her periods at ten years old, then she will be more likely to go through menopause earlier than one who didn't have her first period till the age of 14 or 15. But the average age of menopause is in the mid forties.
But also, when a woman begins menopause, she doesn't just suddenly stop having periods; it's a gradual process that can take months or years. There may also be other symptoms, such as, but not limited to, hot flashes, mood swings, forgetfulness, sleeplessness, weight gain, spotty and irregular periods and headaches. You may also experience extreme irritability, indicated by the urge to slap your husband at any given moment for no reason, as I did.
If you experience any symptoms that concern you, or cause real discomfort, discuss them with your doctor, who can prescribe medications to help with any symptoms or discomfort you are having.
i am 45 and on Birth Control pills I have not had a period for 2 months. I took a pregency test but it was negetive what's happening to me.
Yes a woman that is pregnant will stop having her period, until the baby is born.
If a woman is having her period, then she cannot be pregnant. Menstruation is a direct result of "failed fertilization", i.e. the egg (ovum) was not fertilized by a sperm cell. Therefore, women stop having their period when they conceive, since fertilization was successful and the production of ova (eggs) has ceased.
Tubal Ligation is when the fallopian tubes are tied, cut, or blocked somehow to stop them from getting pregnant. This does not stop the menstrual cycle as women still ovulate and the uterus lining still plumps and sheds as it would normally.
having a baby
If a woman does not have a period she cannot get pregnant.
my last period didn't stop
once they have their first period
While the copper IUD does not normally stop periods, a woman may miss a period for a number of reasons. Pregnancy and stress are common ones. Consider a pregnancy test if you're having other symptoms.
A healthy girl/woman should NOT STOP her menstrution cycle, In clinic's and doctor's office's they offer a DEPO shot that WILL stop your menstrution cycle, & also release a certain amount of hormone's into your body to PREVENT you from getting PREGNANT, but keep in mind there will be some spotting. I believe you only get your period every couple of months. I am not completely sure so research DEPO SHOT on if you are a young girl/woman and your NOT having sex there is no reason for you to stop your menstrution cycle & a healthy woman does not stop having her period until she hit's menopause so tampon's, pad's -- whichever your preference will be your friend for quite sometime :)
I do not understand your question. What medications are used to stop a woman from what? Ovulating? Having a period? Getting pregnant? ................................................................................................................................... The answer above is not mine I am just fixing it. It is a spacial kind of hormone table that a woman has to take 1-2 times a day which changes a woman's pregnancy sate but if the woman stopped taking the pills her hormones will go back to normal after a month!
Non stop period for such a long time is the indication of serious problem.Needs doctors advice.
There is nothing in the IUD that will stop you from ovulating and having a menstrual period.