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Q: What was Major cause of changes in style skin care and innovation of the beauty culture during the twentieth century?
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What role do innovation and diffusion play in changing a culture?

Innovation introduces new ideas, technologies, or ways of thinking to a culture, which can lead to changes in beliefs, behaviors, or practices within that culture. Diffusion is the spread of these innovations through a society or across different cultures, influencing how people live and interact. Together, innovation and diffusion can drive cultural evolution and adaptation to new circumstances.

What has the author Norman Brosterman written?

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Analyze the ways in which two what contributed to the changes in womens lives in the US in the mid-twentieth century Wars Literature andor popular culture Medical andor te?

During the mid-twentieth century in the US, wars played a significant role in transforming women's lives by creating employment opportunities due to the absence of men fighting in the war. This allowed women to enter the workforce and gain independence. Additionally, literature and popular culture helped challenge traditional gender roles and stereotypes, inspiring women to break free from societal expectations and pursue their own ambitions.

What is a process by which an innovation or culture trait spreads from one culture to another?
