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I suggest haircuts/hair burst it will help with both

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Q: What vit should you take to help your nails grow and hair grow?
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What vitamins help your hair and nails to grow?

yes multivitamins and silica supliments drastically help

How do you grow nails in 1 hour?

Drink lots of milk and you can take prenatal pills it will greatly help your nails as well as your hair :)

Does milk help your hair grow?

yes!! it also helps your nails grow. if you drink one cup of milk every day for 10 days, your hair will grow 2.76588920 long.

Can rubbing of nails against each other helps to grow facial hair?

No it does not help to grow facial hair. But rubbing your fingernails helps to stimulate scalp hair growth, reverse graying and prevent hair loss.

How should a hairdressers nails be?

your nails would be fine if they are long because it would help you grab the hair and split it into parts!

Can hair vitamins help your hair grow faster?

Yes, hair vitamins can help your hair to grow longer, faster. If you are interested in helping your hair grow, try taking protein supplements. Some people even take prenatal vitamins because it helps them feel better, and also helps to keep their hair and nails healthy.

How do you make your nails grow faster overnight?

how do I make my nails grow really fast in a day

How can you grow your hair really fast?

you eat Jello. It has a growth ingredient to help grow your hair and nails. Or vitamin D. (:drink lots of milk and eat lots healthy things and at night time plait your hair

How do you grow hair where your but is at?

Braid it every night and it should help it grow faster

Does fish oil help your nails grow?

I've wanted long nails, so i did some research on it. I'm not sure about nails ,but i do have fish oil vitamins and it says that it helps your skin. Usually things that help your skin help your nails. so probably it will. also taking cod liver oil helps your skin, so that could also help your nails. you could find these at cvs and maybe Walgreens. or even your local vitamin store.cod liver oilfish might taste nasty ,but it helps.Hope this helps.

What vitamin should you take to help your hair grow?


Does zinc help your hair grow?

zinc does not help grow your hair selenium helps grow your hair!