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try using a soap in the shops with sesetive skin written on it or try a baby soap like johnsons baby

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Q: What soap cause less damage to skin?
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Why does excess use of soap and shampoos cause damage to your hair and skin?

coz it removes excess oil.......

What is non acidic soap?

Non acidic soap is a type of soap that has a neutral pH level, meaning it is neither acidic nor alkaline. This makes it gentle on the skin and less likely to cause irritation or dryness. It is suitable for individuals with sensitive skin or conditions like eczema.

Can dish soap burn skin?

Yes, dish soap can burn skin. It can have a negative effect on sensitive skin, or can damage "regular" skin if it is used in concentration, and it is bad news to any skin if it is not thoroughly risned off when washing is finished. Use in a concentrated form or left on, dish soap can cause a bit of a chemical burn. Use gloves, or use only the amount of soap necessary for the job, work quickly and methodically and rinse thoroughly when finished, and then apply a moisturizing cream right away after a good pat dry to reduce the effects of the soap on the skin.

Can KOH can cause damage to your skin?

If combined with water to a thick slurry (very strong concentration of KOH) yes, it can severely burn skin. But if diluted enough, it passes for soap, and is not harmful if just rinsed off.

How many people are allergic to soap?

yes depending whats in the soap can cause a reaction to your skin

Which Hand Hygiene method is less damaging to your skin?

Soap And Water

What is nonionic soap?

Nonionic soap is a type of soap that does not contain any charged particles, making it less likely to react with minerals in hard water. It is milder and less likely to cause skin irritation compared to other types of soaps. Nonionic soaps are often used in cosmetic products and personal care items.

What is the pH level of dove soap?

The pH level of Dove soap is around 7, which is considered neutral. This makes it gentle on the skin and less likely to cause irritation or dryness compared to soaps with higher pH levels.

Can use soap after a facial?

becoz soap has so many cemical and after facial, face is so much sensitive and by using soap our skin become damage and complexion is also become dark

Is it ok to use soap after it expires?

It's generally not recommended to use soap after it has expired, as its effectiveness may diminish over time. Expired soap may not be as effective in cleansing and could potentially cause skin irritation. It's best to replace it with a new one to ensure optimal hygiene.

Is it bad not to put water on green soap?

It is generally recommended to dilute green soap with water before use, as it can be too harsh and drying for the skin otherwise. Water helps to reduce the concentration of the soap and make it gentler on the skin. If you use straight green soap without diluting it, it may cause skin irritation or dryness.

What will happen if you leave soap suds on your skin without washing them off?

Leaving soap suds on your skin for an extended period can lead to dryness and irritation as the soap residue can strip the skin of its natural oils. It may also cause itchiness or a rash in some individuals, especially those with sensitive skin. It is recommended to rinse off the soap suds thoroughly to prevent these effects.