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Q: What o you put in really curly hair before straightening it?
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How do you get your hair like Diana vickers if you have really curly hair?

straighteniners/ straightening serum and then majorly backcomb

Does straightening really curly hair about twice a year ruin it or take out some of the curl?

If by straightening you mean with a flat iron then no, it won't cause your hair to lose curl.

I have short really curly hair how do you get it to go straight naturally not using hair straightners?

it is impossible without straightening of some type

How do you get rid of curly and puffy hair?

straightening irons & a hair dryer.

How do you get ride of curly hair?

You can't get "rid" of curly hair! You are born with it. There are methods of straightening with a straitening iron or chemically. But chemically straightening your hair doesn't work well and does a great deal of damage.

What methods are used in Japanese hair straightening?

Japanese hair straightening is similar to perms but it just doesn't have as much chemicals and really expensive usually 200 dollars and up. It is mostly for people who have uncontrollably curly hair.

When cutting extremely curly hair it is recommended the hair be cut?

dry and straightening

Is permanent straightening dangerous to thick curly healthy hair?

As always, it really depends. I don't know why you would want to straighten thick, curly, healthy hair when it is so beautiful and chic anyway.

What is permanently straightening and perming curly hair in the same procedure called?

Why would you want to do that? Straightening is to make curly hair straight; perming makes straight hair curly. Doing both in the same procedure would just destroy your hair. If you're trying to turn your tight curls into loose ones, having your hair relaxed is the way to go.

I have really curly hair and i want to make it look nice when i go out but i don't want to straighten it what can i do?

Curly hair is really nice natural hair. If i was born with naturally curly hair then i would like to straighten it, how much i love straightening lol. I reckon that you could maybe put it up as a side ponytail. That looks pretty nice when you put it like that with curly hair. Or maybe you could put it up like Sasha on Hollyoaks if you have seen it. Her curly hair suits her. Hope i helped you. x

Will your hair keep growing back curly even if you have straightened it in the past?

It will if your hair is naturally curly, acquired traits (such as straightening your hair) will not effect your genetic traits (such as having naturally curly hair). If your were born with curly hair you will continue to grow curly hair, but you can always straighten the new grows if you want, but also try to embrace your curls.

Can hair straightening solution be used make hair curly?

ummmmm... really who evr asked dis question, itz called a perm and a flat iron babay!!!!!!!! lol smiley face