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Q: What makes your hips bigger and stomach flatter if your 14 with high metabalism and 5ft?
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Does chewing gum make your stomach bigger?

No it makes you blot instead.

Why does your belly become bigger as you get pregnant?

Your stomach becomes bigger when you are pregnant because the baby grows which makes your stomach get bigger, plus the "bag of waters" in there as well. It all couldn't possibly fit in your terribly small uterus. I hope I helped!

What makes tummy to grow bigger?

- overeating - drinking soda gets air in your stomach - slow metabolism - eating unhealthy - pregnancy

Change in slope affects graph how?

makes line steeper or flatter

Why does your stomach feel empty even after eating?

That makes know sense! Did you mean: why does my stomach get bigger even though I don't eat? Because if that's your question, then you have to eat or else your body thinks it's starving and gets bigger. Put don't eat too much either because that makes you fat too.

What makes mucus in the stomach?

Jack Dombrowski makes mucus in the stomach

Does strawberry and sugar makes your penis bigger?

No it makes your butt bigger :D

What kind of lens makes things bigger than they are?

it makes it bigger because your fat

What does the liver do to insulin and what effect does it have on glucose levels?

it makes the liver bigger also known as waste yot and makes dissolve in your stomach alo adds alot of milk and carbohydrate it also releases oxeygons such as carbon monixiode to posion ur stomach so the animals inside can enjoy the food so you can pass in the toilet easier

What makes you grow bigger and bigger?

you eat healthy food.

Which part of the digestive system makes food mostly liquids?

the stomach

Is there a spot in your stomach that makes you poop?
