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I can answer the first part...What makes your straight hair curly is severl things one sleping on it or with your hair in a bun or ponytail. Second water can make you hair curly again or steam.. :)

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Q: What makes straight hair curly and curly hair frizzy?
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What makes straight hair become curly and curly hair become frizzy on bad hair days explain?


What makes straight hair become curly on bad hair days?

Humidity. .... or, Because when it's humid, your hair absorbs the moisture and gets frizzy.

Does olive oil help straighten curly or frizzy hair?

Yes olive oil does help straighten curly or frizzy hair because I have very curly and frizzy hair and I put olive oil straight from the bottle in it all the time especially when I am going to straighten my hair.

How do you wake up with straight hair when you have natural frizzy hair?

What I do because i have naturally curly hair is i wet my hair and then straight iron it. And it works for me.

What effect does humidty have on the hair structure?

expands your hair, makes it frizzy but after it defines your curls if you have naturally curly hair.

How can truly frizzy hair be tamed my mom has straight frizzy hair and my dad has curly hair HELP i cant seem to keep my hair straight ive tried just about everthing so please help?

If you want to make super frizzy hair not frizzy, usually your only course of action-if you have already tried frizz ease type products-is to use a straightener every day in addition to frizz products. If your hair is naturally curly, try finding books and info on curly hair and learn to properly style your hair. Curly hair can be very gorgeous when treated and styled properly. There is a link attached for one of the most famous curly hair sites. oh! and embrace it honey:)

A child with wavy hair whose father has curly hair and mother has straight hair is showing incomplete dominance because of the child's what?

straight hair makes the curly lesss curly makes wavy

Why does your hair get all curly when the humidity goes up?

Well, it is because if you have dry hair, it just wants to absorb water. so that makes it frizzy or curly.

What is curly hair called?

Curly hair is also called wavy hair, frizzy hair, or crimpy hair.

What words can you use to describe someones hair?

curly, straight, wavy, frizzy, brown, blond, black, long, short

What are the different types of humidity and what effects do they have on the hair?

depends on your genes or the type of hair you have. if you have naturally thick or curly hair, its tends to get frizzy in heat whereas if it is naturally thin or straight/wavy then it wont get as frizzy due to the hairs structure

How do you get really frizzy hair?

This sounds ridiculous. I don't even think anybody should want frizzy hair. But, all you really have to do is when your hair is wet when you get out of the shower or whatever, that you touch your hair a lot.. it makes you hair really frizzy the more you touch it. That one of the main reasons that curly haired people have frizzy hair because when they are applying product or just even touching their hair makes it frizzy. Just saying this does not mean that every time you touch your wet hair means that it will go frizzy.