Really, it depends on the individual's style. Some girls like flats, DC shoes, converse, Burkenstock,... etc.!
I personaly think toddlers look good in any shoes that they like and what suits them! EDIT: ---- I believe they should wear comfortable shoes due to the fact that they are walking around a lot at that age.
What kind of shoes do frogs like best? They like open-toad shoes, of course.
If you like them, SURE you can! If you like them get them. They also have Vlado shoes especially for girls!
Like casual shoes. Like Steve maddens and things like that. Some dressy shoes can go it just depends on wat kind of jeans you have on.
A girl should have a phone of whatever they like, but it shouldnt be to guyish. If your a not a tom boy then you should have a girly phone. Such as a iphone, a choclate, ENV, any cool phones like that.
u can mention something to them and just alk away!!!4 example:if u see a girl you like walk up 2 them and say like"i like ur dhirt or i like your shoes or i like your hair"and if it works tell me cause i should know im a girl!!! u can mention something to them and just alk away!!!4 example:if u see a girl you like walk up 2 them and say like"i like ur dhirt or i like your shoes or i like your hair"and if it works tell me cause i should know im a girl!!!
u like her shoes
it depends on what kind of gender it is, boy or girl, and what they are into and what they like to do and wear.
u can mention something to them and just alk away!!!4 example:if u see a girl you like walk up 2 them and say like"i like ur dhirt or i like your shoes or i like your hair"and if it works tell me cause i should know im a girl!!! u can mention something to them and just alk away!!!4 example:if u see a girl you like walk up 2 them and say like"i like ur dhirt or i like your shoes or i like your hair"and if it works tell me cause i should know im a girl!!!
Maybe something from Justice like,- shoes- clothes- Webkinz- Toys they have there