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No pills will help, but there are some very good creams on the market. Just depends on how much you want to spend. Put the one on that you choose at night before bed. Wash your face first and then put the cream on. I recently found one by Boots at Target that I really like. You may try that.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

You could try Sudacrem cream Which is available in drug stores such as boots and superdrug. You could also try chaefing cream for sore or dry skin. That is also available in the stores above

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Q: What kind of cream can i use for dry skin?
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What else can you use for dry skin?

# Cream # Ointment # Lotion

What is the best cream to use for skin care?

That depends on what kind of skin you have. There are different skin creams for different types of skin. Someone with dry skin may need something different than someone with oily skin.

What can one do about dry skin under the nose?

When a person gets dry skin under his or her nose, can use a cream called Elizabeth Arden 8 Hours Cream. The cream costs usually around 20$ and can be used on dry skin all over the body, including elbows, knees, etc.

What should I do if I have dry skin and how do I get dry skin?

Use a skincare cream and it can happen by you have a long time in the water. It depends on the person too some people don't even get dry skin

Is ointment better to use then cream for really red itchy dry skin?


What is Schederma cream for?

Use for dry skin conditions and sunburn. Schederma cream is for external use only and should be applied to affected areas twice daily.

How do I get over dry winter skin?

Winter skin can be annoying. If you have dry winter skin you will want to start by not washing your face more then necessary, using a night time lotion and a day cream. You also need to continue to use a day cream with a SPF to protect your skin further.

Will alcohol dry your nails?

It probably will, because it also dries out your skin. If you have problem with dry nails or cuticles, use a hand cream regularly.

How do you stop your dry skin completely?

you cant stop your dry skin completely like a click of the fingers.i have very very very bad skin and i use aqueos cream it treats your body as a facewash bodywash and moisturiser.this cream burns and peels off the dead skin[dry skin]revealing soft skin.ask your local chemist for aqueos cream.i am using this at the moment and my skin is getting better.

Is conditioner good for moisturizer?

The natural Ingredient are best to make Natural Face Moisturizer for the Dry Skin Because it removes Dry Patches, Flakieness and Sensitivity of the skin. Get the Pure Dry Skin Natural Face Moisturizer Cream. For more details visit our website.

Can you use e45 cream on cats?

No, it is not recommended to use E45 cream on cats. Cats groom themselves and can ingest the cream, leading to potential toxicity. It is best to consult with a veterinarian for safe and appropriate skin treatment for your cat.

what type of makeup should be done on dry skin?

well , skin prepping is the key to a flawless base and any kind of skin to work on with. you can use good hydrating moisturisers and oils for dry skin