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Q: What is thermalderhide or formaldehide?
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Rygning nedsætter levealderen (Smokers die younger) Rygning medfører åreforkalkning og forårsager hjerteanfald og slagtilfælde (Smoking clogs the arteries and causes heart attacks and strokes) Rygning forårsager dødelig lungekræft (Smoking causes fatal lung cancer) Hvis du er gravid, skader rygning dit barns sundhed (If you are pregnant, smoking damages your child's health) Beskyt børn mod tobaksrøg − de har ret til selv at vælge (Protect children from tobacco smoke – they have the right to choose) Din læge eller din apoteker kan hjælpe dig med at holde op med at ryge (Your doctor or your pharmacist can help you stop smoking) Rygning er stærkt vanedannende: lad være med at begynde (Smoking is highly addictive, do not start) Hold op med at ryge, hvis du vil nedsætte risikoen for dødelige hjerte- og lungesygdomme (Stopping smoking reduces the risk of fatal heart and lung diseases) Rygning kan medføre en langsom og smertefuld død (Smoking can cause a slow and painful death) Få hjælp til at holde op med at ryge: 80313131 (Get help to quit smoking: Telephone number 80313131) Rygning kan nedsætte blodgennemstrømningen og medfører impotens (Smoking may reduce blood flow and causes impotence) Rygning ælder huden (Smoking causes aging of the skin) Rygning kan beskadige sæden og nedsætter frugtbarheden (Smoking can damage sperm and reduce fertility) Røg indeholder benzen, nitrosaminer, formaldehyd og cyanbrinte (Smoke contains benzene, nitrosamines, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide)For smokeless tobacco use above markings does not, whereas the label "Denne tobaksvare kan være sundhedsskadelig og er afhængighedsskabende" (This tobacco product can damage your health and is addictive) is always used for such products. General warning: or In Finland, warning signs are written in both Finnish and Swedish languages. Tupakointi vahingoittaa vakavasti sinua ja ympärilläsi olevia / Rökning skadar allvarligt dig själv och personer i din omgivning (Smoking severely harms you and those around you) Tupakoivat kuolevat nuorempina / Rökare dör i förtid (Smokers die younger) Tupakointi tukkii verisuonet sekä aiheuttaa sydänkohtauksia ja aivoveritulppia / Rökning ger förträngningar i blodkärlen och orsakar hjärtinfarkt och stroke (Smoking clogs the arteries and causes heart attacks and strokes) Tupakointi aiheuttaa keuhkosyöpää, joka johtaa kuolemaan / Rökning orsakar dödlig lungcancer (Smoking causes lung cancer, which leads to death / Smoking causes fatal lung cancer) Tupakointi raskauden aikana vahingoittaa lastasi / Rökning under graviditeten skadar ditt barn (Smoking during pregnancy harms your child) Suojele lapsia ― älä pakota heitä hengittämään tupakansavua / Skydda barnen ― låt dem inte andas in din tobaksrök (Protect children ― don't force them to breathe tobacco smoke / Protect children ― don't make them breathe your smoke) Lääkäriltä tai apteekista saat apua tupakoinnin lopettamiseen / Din läkare eller ditt apotek kan hjälpa dig att sluta röka (You receive help to stop smoking from a doctor or a pharmacy / Your doctor or your pharmacist can help you stop smoking) Tupakointi aiheuttaa voimakasta riippuvuutta. Älä aloita / Rökning är mycket beroendeframkallande. Börja inte rök (Smoking causes powerful addiction. Don't start / Smoking is highly addictive. Don't start) Lopettamalla tupakoinnin vähennät vaaraa sairastua kuolemaan johtaviin sydän- ja keuhkosairauksiin / Om du slutar röka löper du mindre risk att få dödliga hjärt- och lungsjukdomar (By stopping smoking you reduce the risk of fatal heart and lung diseases / Stopping smoking reduces the risk of fatal heart and lung diseases) Tupakointi voi aiheuttaa hitaan ja tuskallisen kuoleman / Rökning kan leda till en långsam och smärtsam död (Smoking can cause a slow and painful death) Pyydä apua tupakoinnin lopettamiseen: puh. 0800 148 484 / Sök hjälp för att sluta röka: tfn 0800 148 484 (Request help to stop smoking: phone 0800 148 484 / Get help to stop smoking: phone 0800 148 484) Tupakointi aiheuttaa impotenssia ja voi heikentää verenkiertoa / Rökning kan försämra blodflödet och orsakar impotens (Smoking causes impotence and may reduce the blood flow / Smoking may reduce the blood flow and cause impotence) Tupakointi vanhentaa ihoa / Rökning får din hy att åldras (Smoking ages the skin / Smoking causes ageing of the skin) Tupakointi voi vahingoittaa siittiöitä ja vähentää hedelmällisyyttä / Rökning kan skada sperman och minskar fruktsamheten (Smoking can damage the sperm and decrease fertility / Smoking can damage the sperm and decreases fertility) Savu sisältää bentseeniä, nitrosamiineja, formaldehydiä ja vetysyanidia / Rök innehåller bensen, nitrosaminer, formaldehyd och cyanväte (Smoke contains benzene, nitrosamines, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide) Front of packaging (covers 30% of surface)or Rear (covers 40% of surface, similar design)Les fumeurs meurent prématurément. (Smokers die prematurely.) Fumer bouche les artères et provoque des crises cardiaques et des attaques cérébrales. (Smoking clogs arteries and causes heart attacks and strokes.) Fumer provoque le cancer mortel du poumon. (Smoking causes fatal lung cancer.) Fumer pendant la grossesse nuit à la santé de votre enfant. (Smoking during pregnancy harms your child's health.) Protégez les enfants: ne leur faites pas respirer votre fumée. (Protect your children: don't make them breathe your smoke.) Votre médecin ou votre pharmacien peuvent vous aider à arrêter de fumer. (Your doctor or pharmacist can help you quit smoking.) Fumer crée une forte dépendance, ne commencez pas. (Smoking is highly addictive, don't start.) Arrêter de fumer réduit les risques de maladies cardiaques et pulmonaires mortelles. (Quitting smoking reduces the risk of fatal heart and lung diseases.) Fumer peut entraîner une mort lente et douloureuse. (Smoking can result in a slow and painful death.) Faites-vous aider pour arrêter de fumer: téléphonez au 0 825 309 310 (0,15 euro/min) (Help yourself quit smoking: call 0 825 309 310) Fumer peut diminuer l'afflux sanguin et provoque l'impuissance. (Smoking can cause low blood pressure and impotence.) Fumer peut nuire aux spermatozoïdes et réduit la fertilité. (Smoking damages sperm and reduces fertility.) La fumée contient du benzène, des nitrosamines, du formaldéhyde et du cyanure d'hydrogène. (Cigarette smoke contains benzene, nitrosamines, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide.)Left or right side of packagingComponents percentages (15% of surface, small prints): Tobacco – Cigarette paper – Flavor and texture agents ISO yields of toxics in mg/cigarette (in prominent black on white square and bold letters): Tar – Nicotin – Carbon monoxideOther side of packagingCountry of manufacturing, name of manufacturer, quantity Product identifier (EAN-7 bar code)Other characteristicsSmall print: "Vente en France 01" (sales in France) Recyclable logo (for the packaging) Words forbidden in the displayed product name: light, ultra-light, légere, or any indication that may indicate that this is a minor drug with low impact... (These branding words have been replaced by various colour names) Το κάπνισμα μπορεί να σκοτώσει. (Smoking can kill) Το κάπνισμα βλάπτει σοβαρά τον καπνιστή και τους γύρω του. (Smoking seriously harms the smoker and the ones around him.) Το κάπνισμα βλάπτει σοβαρά εσάς και τους γύρω σας. (Smoking seriously harms you and the ones around you.) Οι καπνιστές πεθαίνουν πρόωρα. (Smokers die prematurely.) Το κάπνισμα αποφράσσει τις αρτηρίες και προκαλεί εμφράγματα και εγκεφαλικά επεισόδια. (Smoking clogs the arteries and causes heart attacks and strokes.) Το κάπνισμα προκαλεί θανατηφόρο καρκίνο των πνευμόνων. (Smoking causes fatal lung cancers.) Το κάπνισμα κατά τη διάρκεια της εγκυμοσύνης μπορεί να βλάπτει την υγεία του παιδιού σας. (Smoking during pregnancy can harm the health of your baby.) Προστατέψτε τα παιδιά: μην τα αναγκάζετε να αναπνέουν τον καπνό σας. (Protect children: do not force them to breathe in your smoke.) Ο γιατρός σας ή ο φαρμακοποιός σας μπορεί να σας βοηθήσει να κόψετε το κάπνισμα. (Your physician or pharmacist can assist you in quitting smoking.) Το κάπνισμα είναι εξαιρετικά εθιστικό, μην το αρχίσετε. (Smoking is very addictive; don't start with it) Το σταμάτημα του καπνίσματος μειώνει τον κίνδυνο θανατηφόρων καρδιαγγειακών και πνευμονικών παθήσεων. (Stopping smoking reduces the risk of fatal heart and lung diseases) Το κάπνισμα μπορεί να προκαλέσει αργό και επώδυνο θάνατο. (Smoking can cause a slow and painful death.) Ζητήστε βοήθεια για να σταματήσετε το κάπνισμα: συμβουλευτείτε το γιατρό σας. (Seek help to quit smoking: consult your doctor.) Το κάπνισμα μπορεί να μειώσει τη ροή του αίματος και να προκαλέσει ανικανότητα. (Smoking may reduce blood circulation and cause impotence) Το κάπνισμα προκαλεί γήρανση του δέρματος. (Smoking causes premature skin aging.) Το κάπνισμα μπορεί να βλάψει το σπέρμα και μειώνει τη γονιμότητα. (Smoking damages sperm and reduces fertility.) Ο καπνός περιέχει βενζόλιο, νιτροζαμίνες, φορμαλδεΰδη και υδροκυάνιο. (Cigarette smoke contains benzene, nitrosamines, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide.) A dohányosok korábban halnak. (Smokers die earlier.) A dohányzás elzárja az artériákat, szívrohamot és agyvérzést okoz. (Smoking clogs arteries and causes heart diseases and strokes.) A dohányzás halálos tüdőrákot okoz. (Smoking causes fatal lung cancer.) A terhes nők dohányzása károsítja a magzat egészségét. (Smoking during pregnancy harms the baby.) Védje a gyermekeket: ne tegye ki őket a dohányfüst belélegzése veszélyének. (Protect the kids, don't smoke in their presence.) Az orvosok és a gyógyszerészek segíthetnek a leszokásban. (Your doctor or your pharmacist may help you quit smoking.) A dohányzásról nagyon nehéz leszokni, ezért ne szokjon rá. (Smoking is highly addictive, don't start.) A dohányzás abbahagyása csökkenti a halálos szív- és tüdőbetegségek kockázatát. (Quitting smoking reduces the risk of deadly cardiovascular and lung diseases.) A dohányzás lassú és fájdalmas halálhoz vezet. (Smoking can cause a long and painful death.) Kérjen segítséget a leszokáshoz (telefon/levélcím/Internet-cím) kérdezze meg háziorvosát/gyógyszerészét. (Specialists in the medical profession may help you quit smoking.) A dohányzás lassíthatja a vér áramlását, és impotenciát okozhat. (Smoking may reduce blood circulation and cause impotency.) A dohányzás öregíti a bőrt. (Smoking ages the skin.) A dohányzás károsítja a spermákat és gyengíti a megtermékenyítő képességet. (Smoking may damage sperm and diminish fertility.) A füst benzolt, nitrozamint, formaldehidet és hidrogén-cianidot tartalmaz. (Cigarettes contain benzene, nistrosamine, formaldehyde and hydrocyanic acid.) Ireland currently follows EU standards (see above), but previously ran its own scheme, where one of 8 messages was placed on the pack, as defined in SI 326/1991.After a High Court settlement in January 2008, it was accepted that the warnings on tobacco products must appear in all official languages of the state. As a result, the European Communities (Manufacture, Presentation and Sale of Tobacco Products) (Amendment) Regulations 2008 were enacted. This states that tobacco products going to market after 30 September 2008 must carry warnings in Irish and English. A year-long transition period applied to products which were on the market prior to 1 October 2008, which may have been sold until 1 October 2009. Each packet of tobacco products must carry: One of the following general warnings (in both the Irish and English languages) which must cover at least 32% of the external side. Toradh caithimh tobac – bás – Smoking kills Déanann caitheamh tobac díobháil thromchúiseach duit agus do na daoine mórthimpeall ort – Smoking seriously harms you and others around you AND One of the following additional warnings (in both the Irish and English languages) which must cover at least 45% of the external side. Giorrú saoil tobac a chaitheamh – Smokers die younger Nuair a chaitear tobac, tachtar na hartairí agus is é cúis le taomanna croí agus strócanna – Smoking clogs the arteries and causes heart attacks and strokes Caitheamh tobac is cúis le hailse scamhóg mharfach – Smoking causes fatal lung cancer Má chaitheann tú tobac le linn toirchis, déantar díobháil don leanbán – Smoking when pregnant harms your baby Cosain leanaí: ná cuir iallach orthu do chuid deataigh an análú – Protect children: don’t make them breathe your smoke Féadann do dhochtúir nó do chógaiseoir cabhrú leat éirí as caitheamh tobac Your doctor or your pharmacist can help you stop smoking Is éasca a bheith tugtha do chaitheamh tobac, ná tosaigh leis – Smoking is highly addictive, don’t start Má éiríonn tú as tobac a chaitheamh laghdaítear an riosca de ghalair mharfacha chroí agus scamhóg – Stopping smoking reduces the risk of fatal heart and lung diseases Féadann caitheamh tobac bheith ina chúis le bás mall pianmhar – Smoking can cause a slow and painful death Faigh cúnamh chun éirí as caitheamh tobac: Íosghlao Stoplíne 1850 201 203 – Get help to stop smoking: Callsave Quitline 1850 201 203 Féadfaidh caitheamh tobac imshruthúfola a laghdú agus bheith ina chúis le héagumas – Smoking may reduce the blood flow and cause impotence Caitheamh tobac is cúis le críonadh craicinn – Smoking causes ageing of the skin Féadann caitheamh tobac dochar a dhéanamh don speirm agus laghdaíonn sé torthúlacht – Smoking can damage the sperm and decreases fertility Cuimsíonn deatach beinséin, nítreasaimíní, formaildéad agus ciainíd hidrigine – Smoke contains benzene, nitrosamines, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide In the case of Smokeless Tobacco Products, only the following warning must be displayed: Féadann an táirge tobac seo dochar a dhéanamh do shláinte agus is táirge andúile é – This tobacco product can damage your health and is addictive Il fumo uccide / Il fumo può uccidere. (Smoking kills / Smoking may kill) Il fumo danneggia gravemente te e chi ti sta intorno. (Smoking heavily damages you and whoever is near you) I fumatori muoiono prima. (Smokers die early.) Il fumo ostruisce le arterie e provoca infarti e ictus. (Smoking clogs arteries and causes heart diseases and strokes) Il fumo provoca cancro mortale ai polmoni. (Smoking causes fatal lung cancer.) Fumare in gravidanza fa male al bambino. (Smoking during pregnancy harms the baby.) Proteggi i bambini, non-fumare in loro presenza. (Protect the kids, don't smoke in their presence.) Il medico o il tuo farmacista possono aiutarti a smettere di fumare. (Your doctor or your pharmacist may help you quit smoking.) Specialisti del settore medico possono aiutarti a smettere di fumare. (Specialists in the medical profession may help you quit smoking.) Il fumo crea un'elevata dipendenza, non-iniziare. (Smoking is highly addictive, don't start.) Smettere di fumare riduce il rischio di malattie cardiovascolari e polmonari mortali. (Quitting smoking reduces the risk of deadly cardiovascular and lung diseases.) Il fumo può provocare una morte lenta e dolorosa. (Smoking can cause a long and painful death.) Il fumo provoca il cancro della cavità orale. (Smoking causes oral cancer.) Fatti aiutare a smettere di fumare. (Let [someone] help you to quit smoking.) Il fumo può ridurre la circolazione sanguigna e causa impotenza. (Smoking may reduce blood circulation and cause impotency.) Il fumo invecchia la pelle. (Smoking ages the skin.) Il fumo può danneggiare lo sperma e diminuisce la fertilità. (Smoking may damage sperm and diminish fertility.) Il fumo contiene benzene, nitrosammine, formaldeide e acido cianidrico. (Cigarettes contain benzene, nistrosamine, formaldehyde and hydrocyanic acid) Il fumo può portare alla cecità. (Smoking can lead to blindness)Other text is sometimes placed in the packets, for example some packets contain leaflets which have all the above warnings written on them, with more detailed explanations and reasons to give up, and advice from Philip Morris. Deviņi no desmit plaušu vēža slimniekiem ir smēķētāji. (Smoking causes 9 out of 10 lung cancers ) Smēķēšana izraisa mutes un rīkles vēzi. (Smoking causes mouth and throat cancer) Smēķēšana nopietni kaitē plaušām. (Smoking damages your lungs) Smēķēšana izraisa sirdslēkmes. (Smoking causes heart attacks) Smēķēšana izraisa insultu un invaliditāti. (Smoking causes strokes and disability) Smēķēšana izraisa artēriju nosprostošanos. (Smoking clogs your arteries ) Smēķēšana palielina risku kļūt aklam. (Smoking increases the risk of blindness ) Smēķēšana izraisa zobu bojājumus un smaganu saslimšanas. (Smoking can cause teeth damages and illnesses of gums) Smēķēšana var nogalināt jūsu vēl nedzimušo bērnu. (Smoking can kill your unborn child ) Cigarešu dūmi kaitē jūsu bērniem, ģimenei un draugiem. (Your smoke harms your children, family and friends ) Ja smēķējat jūs, paaugstinās risks, ka smēķēs arī jūsu bērni. (Smokers' children are more likely to start smoking) Atmetiet tagad – tuviniekiem jūs esat vajadzīgs dzīvs. ( Quit smoking now – stay alive for those close to you) Smēķēšana samazina auglību. (Smoking reduces fertility) Smēķēšana palielina impotences risku. (Smoking increases the risk of impotence) General warning: or Twissija mid-Dipartiment tas-Saħħa: PERIKLU – (DANGER – Health Department – Warning) It-tipjip joqtol – (Smoking kills) Min ipejjep imut żgħir – (Smokers die younger) It-tipjip isodd l-arterji u jġib l-attakki tal-qalb u l-puplesiji – (Smoking clogs the arteries and causes heart attacks and strokes) It-tipjip jagħmel kanċer fil-pulmun – (Smoking causes fatal lung cancers) Jekk tpejjep waqt it-tqala tagħmel ħsara lit-tarbija tiegħek – (Smoking when pregnant harms your baby) Ipproteġi lit-tfal: iġġelhomx jibilgħu d-duħħan tas-sigaretti tiegħek – (Protect children: don't make them breathe your smoke) It-tabib Jew l-ispiżjar jgħinuk biex tieqaf tpejjep – (Your doctor and your pharmacist can help you stop smoking) It-tipjip huwa vizzju, tibdiex tpejjep – (Smoking is highly addictive, don't start) Jekk tieqaf tpejjep tnaqas ir-riskju ta' attakki tal-qalb u mard tal-pulmun – (Stopping smoking reduces the risk of fatal heart and lung diseases) It-tipjip jista' jwassal għal agunija fit-tul u ħafna uġiegħ – (Smoking can cause a slow and painful death) Itlob l-għajnuna biex tieqaf tpejjep – 21231247 – (Get help to stop smoking – 21231247) It-tipjip inaqqas iċ-ċirkulazzjoni tad-demm u jista' jwassal għall-impotenza – (Smoking may reduce the blood flow and causes impotence) It-tipjip ixejjħek – (Smoking causes aging of the skin) It-tipjip jista' jagħmel ħsara lill-isperma u jnaqqas il-fertilità – (Smoking can damage the sperm and decrease fertility) Id-duħħan fih il-benżene, in-nitrosamini, il-formaldehyde, u l-idroġen cyanide – (Smokes contains benzene, nitrosamines, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide) Stop met roken, blijf leven voor je vrienden en familie (Quit smoking, stay alive for your family and friends) Roken is dodelijk (Smoking is lethal) Roken veroorzaakt impotentie (Smoking causes impotence) Roken veroorzaakt dodelijke longkanker (Smoking causes deadly lung cancer) Tabaksrook bevat benzeen, nitrosaminen, formaldehyde en waterstofcyanide (Tobacco smoke contains benzene, nitrosamines, formaldehyde and hydrogencyanide) Uw arts of apotheker kan u helpen te stoppen met roken (Your physician or pharmacist can help you to quit smoking) Rokers sterven jonger (Smokers die younger) Roken veroorzaakt verstopping van de bloedvaten, hartaanvallen en beroertes (Smoking causes clogging of the blood vessels, heart attacks and strokes) Roken tijdens de zwangerschap is slecht voor uw baby (Smoking during pregnancy harms your baby) Roken kan uw ongeboren kind doden (Smoking can kill your unborn child) Bescherm kinderen: laat hen niet uw rook inademen (Protect children: don't let them inhale your smoke) Roken werkt zeer verslavend; begin er niet mee (Smoking is very addictive; prevent yourself from starting) Stoppen met roken vermindert het risico op dodelijke hart- en longziekten (Quitting smoking reduces the risk of fatal heart and lung diseases) Roken kan leiden tot een langzame, pijnlijke dood (Smoking may result in a slow, painful death) Roken kan de bloedsomloop verminderen en veroorzaakt impotentie (Smoking may reduce the blood flow and causes impotence) Roken veroudert uw huid (Smoking ages your skin) Roken kan het sperma beschadigen en vermindert de vruchtbaarheid (Smoking can damage the sperm and reduces fertility) Roken brengt u en anderen rondom u ernstige schade toe (Smoking causes serious damage to you and those around you) Uw arts of apotheker kan u helpen te stoppen met roken, bel nu 0800-55532340 (Your physician or pharmacist can help you to quit smoking, call 0800-555532340 now.) Front of packaging (covers 30% of surface): or There are also warnings on the back of every packet: Palacze tytoniu umierają młodziej (Smokers die younger) Palenie tytoniu zamyka naczynia krwionośne i jest przyczyną zawałów serca i udarów mózgu (Smoking causes clogging of the blood vessels, heart attacks and strokes) Palenie tytoniu powoduje śmiertelnego raka płuc (Smoking causes fatal lung cancer) Palenie tytoniu w czasie ciąży szkodzi Twojemu dziecku (Smoking while pregnant harms your baby) Chrońcie dzieci – nie zmuszajcie ich do wdychania dymu tytoniowego (Protect children: don't let them breath your smoke) Twój lekarz lub farmaceuta pomoże Ci rzucić palenie (Your doctor or your pharmacist can help you quit smoking) Palenie tytoniu silnie uzależnia – nie zaczynaj palić (Smoking is highly addictive; do not start smoking) Zaprzestanie palenia zmniejsza ryzyko groźnych chorób serca i płuc (Stopping smoking reduces the risk of serious heart and lung disease) Palenie tytoniu może spowodować powolną i bolesną śmierć (Smoking can cause a slow and painful death) Dzwoniąc pod nr telefonu 0801108108, uzyskasz pomoc w rzuceniu palenia (Get help to quit smoking by calling 0801108108) Palenie tytoniu może zmniejszyć przepływ krwi i powodować impotencję (Smoking can reduce blood flow and cause impotence) Palenie tytoniu przyśpiesza starzenie się skóry (Smoking accelerates skin aging) Palenie tytoniu może uszkodzić nasienie i zmniejszać płodność (Smoking can damage sperm and reduce fertility) Dym tytoniowy zawiera benzen, nitrozoaminy, formaldehyd i cyjanowodór (Tobacco smoke contains benzene, nitrosamines, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide) Fumar mata. (Smoking kills) Fumar provoca o cancro pulmonar mortal. (Smoking causes deadly lung cancer) Fumar causa elevada dependência. Não comece a fumar. (Smoking causes high dependency. Don't start smoking.) Fumar provoca o envelhecimento da pele. (Smoking promotes early skin aging) Fumar prejudica gravemente a sua saúde e a dos que o rodeiam. (Smoking seriously harms you and others around you) Se está grávida: fumar prejudica a saúde do seu filho. (If you're pregnant: Smoking harms your child's health) Os fumadores morrem prematuramente. (Smokers die prematurely) Fumar bloqueia as artérias e provoca ataques cardíacos e AVC. (Smoking clogs your arteries and promotes heart attacks and strokes) Fumar pode reduzir o fluxo de sangue e provoca impotência. (Smoking might reduce blood flow and causes impotence) Deixar de fumar reduz os riscos de doenças cardiovasculares e pulmonares mortais. (Quitting reduces the risks of deadly cardiovascular and pulmonar diseases) General warning (on the front of cigarette packages, covering at least 40% of the area): Fumatul ucide (Smoking kills) Fumatul poate să ucidă (Smoking can kill) Fumatul dăunează grav sănătăţii dumneavoastră şi a celor din jur (Smoking seriously harms you and those around);Additional warnings (on the back of cigarette packages, covering at least 50% of the area): Fumătorii mor mai tineri. (Smokers die younger.) Fumatul blochează circulaţia sângelui în artere, provoacă infarct miocardic şi accident vascular cerebral. (Smoking clogs the arteries and causes heart attacks and strokes) Fumatul provoacă cancer pulmonar, care este letal. (Smoking causes lung cancer, which is lethal.) Fumatul în timpul sarcinii daunează copilului dumneavoastră. (Smoking when pregnant harms your baby.) Protejaţi copiii: nu-i lăsaţi să respire fumul dumneavoastră! (Protect children: don't let them breathe your smoke!) Doctorul sau farmacistul dumneavoastră vă poate ajuta să vă lăsaţi de fumat. (Your doctor or pharmacist can help you quit smoking) Fumatul dă dependenţă, nu începeţi să fumaţi! (Smoking is addictive, don't start smoking!) Oprirea fumatului scade riscul de îmbolnăviri cardiace sau pulmonare fatale. (Stopping smoking reduces the risk of fatal heart and lung diseases) Fumatul poate provoca o moarte lentă şi dureroasă. (Smoking can cause a slow and painful death.) Primiţi ajutorul pentru renunţare la fumat: (... telefon/adresă postală/adresă de Internet/consultaţi doctorul dumneavoastră/farmacistul...). (Get help to stop smoking: telephone/postal address/Internet address/consult your doctor/pharmacist...) Fumatul încetineşte circulaţia sângelui şi provoacă impotenţă. (Smoking reduces blood circulation and causes impotence) Fumatul provoacă îmbătrânirea tenului (pielii). (Smoking causes skin aging.) Fumatul poate dăuna calităţii spermei şi scade fertilitatea. (Smoking can affect sperm quality and decreases fertility.) Fumul de ţigară conţine benzeni, nitrozamine, formaldehide şi cianuri. (Cigarette smoke contains benzene, nitrosamines, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide.) Front of packaging (covers 30% of surface)or Rear of packaging (covers 40% of surface)Kadilci umirajo mlajši. (Smokers die younger.) Kajenje maši žile in povzroča srčni infarkt in možgansko kap. (Smoking clogs arteries and causes heart attacks and strokes.) Kajenje povzroča smrt zaradi pljučnega raka. (Smoking causes fatal lung cancer.) Kajenje med nosečnostjo škoduje vašemu otroku. (Smoking during pregnancy harms your child.) Varujte otroke pred vdihavanjem vašega cigaretnega dima. (Protect your children from breathing your cigarette smoke.) Vaš zdravnik ali farmacevt vam lahko pomaga opustiti kajenje. (Your doctor or pharmacist can help you quit smoking.) Kajenje povzroča hudo zasvojenost, zato ne začnite kaditi. (Smoking is highly addictive, don't start.) Opustitev kajenja zmanjša tveganje za smrt zaradi bolezni srca in pljuč. (Quitting smoking reduces the risk of fatal heart and lung diseases.) Kajenje lahko povzroči počasno in boleče umiranje. (Smoking can result in a slow and painful death.) Poiščite pomoč pri opuščanju kajenja: posvetujte se z zdravnikom. (Seek help to quit smoking: consult your doctor.) Kajenje lahko zmanjša pretok krvi in povzroči impotenco. (Smoking can reduce blood circulation and cause impotence.) Kajenje povzroča staranje kože. (Smoking causes ageing of the skin.) Kajenje lahko škoduje spermi in zmanjša plodnost. (Smoking damages sperm and reduces fertility.) Cigaretni dim vsebuje benzen, nitrosamine, formaldehid in vodikov cianid. (Cigarette smoke contains benzene, nitrosamines, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide.) In Spain, cigarette packages are preceded by warnings on both sides of the package marked "Las Autoridades Sanitarias advierten" (Health authorities warn), written in black and white above the black part of the standard warning. or Front of cigarette packages Fumar puede matar (Smoking can kill) (changed in 2010 to "Fumar mata" ) Fumar perjudica gravemente su salud y la de los que están a su alrededor (Smoking seriously harms to your health and that of others)Back of cigarette packages Fumar acorta la vida (Smoking shortens life) Fumar provoca cáncer mortal de pulmón (Smoking causes fatal lung cancer) El tabaco es muy adictivo: no empiece a fumar (Tobacco is very addictive, do not start) Fumar obstruye las arterias y provoca cardiopatías y accidentes cerebrovasculares (Smoking clogs the arteries and causes heart disease and stroke) Fumar provoca el envejecimiento de la piel (Smoking causes skin aging) Ayuda para dejar de fumar: consulte a su médico o farmacéutico (Help to stop smoking: consult your doctor or pharmacist) Fumar puede reducir el flujo sanguíneo y provoca impotencia (Smoking may reduce blood flow and causes impotence) General warnings on all Swedish cigarette packagings have been in force since 1977. Front of cigarette packages Rökning dödar. (Smoking kills.) Tobak skadar din hälsa allvarligt. (Tobacco causes serious harm to your health.) Rökning under graviditet kan skada ditt foster. (Smoking while pregnant may harm your fetus.) Rökning kan leda till en långsam och smärtsam död. (Smoking can lead to a slow and painful death.) Rökning kan försämra blodflödet och orsakar impotens. (Smoking can impair the blood flow and causes impotence.) Rökning skadar allvarligt dig själv och personer i din omgivning. (Smoking seriously hurts you and people around you.) Rök innehåller bensen, nitrosaminer, formaldehyd och cyanväte. (Smoke contains benzene, nitrosamines, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide.) Skydda barnen. Låt dem inte andas in din tobaksrök. (Protect the children. Don't let them inhale your tobacco smoke.)Back of cigarette packages Rökning kan skada sperman och minskar fruktsamheten. (Smoking may damage the sperm and reduce fertility.) Rökning är mycket beroendeframkallande. Börja inte röka (Smoking is very addictive. Do not start smoking.)Rear side of snus packaging Denna tobaksvara kan skada din hälsa och är beroendeframkallande. (This tobacco product might cause harm to your health and is addictive.) General warning: Ghanaian warnings are very compliant with the EU's legislations, as follows: Packaging 1 (same as in the newer UK packaging): Smoking seriously harms you and others around you Stopping smoking reduces the risk of fatal heart and lung diseasesPackaging 2 (same as in the older UK packaging): Smoking causes cancer Smoking damages the health of those around youPackaging 3 (same as in the older UK packaging): Smoking causes fatal diseases Smokers die younger In Honduras, a variety of warnings with graphic, disturbing images of tobacco-related harms (including a lung cancer and throat cancer) are placed prominently on cigarette packages. Under Hong Kong Law, Chap 371B Smoking (Public Health) (Notices) Order, packaging must indicate the amount of nicotine and tar that is present in cigarette boxes in addition to graphics depicting different health problems caused by smoking in the size and ratio as prescribed by law. The warnings are to be published in both official languages, Traditional Chinese and English. Warning begins with the phrase '香港特區政府忠告市民 HONG KONG SAR GOVERNMENT WARNING' and then one of the following in all caps. 吸煙引致肺癌 Smoking Causes Lung Cancer 吸煙足以致命 Smoking Kills 吸煙禍及家人 Smoking Harms Your Family 吸煙引致末梢血管疾病 Smoking Causes Peripheral Vascular Diseases 吸煙可引致陽萎 Smoking May Cause Impotence 吸煙可加速皮膚老化 Smoking Can Accelerate Aging of SkinIn addition, any print advertisement must give minimum 85% coverage of the following warnings: HKSAR GOVERNMENT HEALTH WARNING January -February SMOKING KILLS March- April SMOKING CAUSES CANCER May- June SMOKING CAUSES HEART DISEASE July- August SMOKING CAUSES LUNG CANCER September- October SMOKING CAUSES RESPIRATORY DISEASES November – December SMOKING HARMS YOUR CHILDREN All cigarette packets and other tobacco packaging in Iceland must include warnings in the same size and format as in the European Union and using the same approved texts in Icelandic. Læknirinn þinn eða lyfjafræðingur geta hjálpað þér að hætta að reykja. (Your doctor or pharmacist can help you quit smoking) Reykingar valda krabbameini. (Smoking causes cancer) Reykingar eru mjög skaðlegar fyrir þig og þá sem eru nálægt þér. (Smoking is very harmful to you and those close to you) Reykingar stífla slagæðar og valda kransæðastíflu og heilablóðfalli. (Smoking blocks your arteries and causes coronary artery disease and stroke.) Reykingar valda banvænu krabbameini í lungum. (Smoking causes fatal lung cancer) Reykingar á meðgöngu skaða barnið þitt. (Smoking during pregnancy harms your child.) Verndaðu börnin – Láttu þau ekki anda að sér tókbaksreyk. (Protect the children – Don't let them inhale tobacco smoke.) Cigarette packets sold in India are required to carry graphical and textual health warnings. The warning must cover at least 85% of the surface of the pack, of which 60% must be pictorial and the remaining 25% contains textual warnings in English, Hindi or any other Indian language. In 2003, India ratified the World Health Organisation's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which includes a recommendation for large, clear health warnings on tobacco packages. However, there was a delay in implementing graphic warning labels.Until 2008, cigarette packets sold in India were required to carry a written warning on the front of the packet with the text CIGARETTE SMOKING IS INJURIOUS TO HEALTH in English. Paan, gutkha and tobacco packets carried the warning TOBACCO IS INJURIOUS TO HEALTH in Hindi and English. The law later changed. According to the new law, cigarette packets were required to carry pictorial warnings of a skull or scorpion along with the text SMOKING KILLS and TOBACCO CAUSES MOUTH CANCER in both Hindi and English. The Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products (Packaging and Labelling) Rules 2008 requiring graphic health warnings came into force on 31 May 2008. Under the law, all tobacco products were required to display graphic pictures, such as pictures of diseased lungs, and the text SMOKING KILLS or TOBACCO KILLS in English, covering at least 40% of the front of the pack, and retailers must display the cigarette packs in such a way that the pictures on pack are clearly visible. In January 2012 controversy arose when it was discovered an image of English footballer John Terry was used on a warning label.On 15 October 2014, Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan announced that only 15% of the surface of a pack of cigarettes could contain branding, and that the rest must be used for graphic and text health warnings. The Union Ministry of Health amended the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Packaging and Labelling) Rules, 2008 to enforce the changes effective from 1 April 2015.However, the government decision to increase pictorial warnings on tobacco packets from 1 April, was put on hold indefinitely, following the recommendations of a Parliamentary committee, which reportedly did not speak to health experts, but only spoke to tobacco lobby representatives. On 5 April 2016, the health ministry ordered government agencies to enforce this new rule.Various warnings on cigarette packets: धुम्रपान से गले का कैंसर होता है (Hindi)Smoking causes throat cancer TOBACCO CAUSES PAINFUL DEATH SMOKING KILLS: Tobacco causes cancer SMOKING KILLS: Tobacco causes slow and painful deathAdd Image of cigarette's packet here Following the intervention by the Parliamentary committee, NGO Health of Millions represented by Prashant Bhushan filed a petition in Supreme Court of India, which asks the government to stop selling of loose cigarettes and publish bigger health warnings on tobacco packs. General warning: Before 1999 1999–2001 Other versions PERINGATAN PEMERINTAH: MEROKOK DAPAT MENYEBABKAN KANKER DAN IMPOTENSI. (Government warning: smoking can cause cancer and impotence)2002–end of 2013 2014–2018 With the enforcement of 2012 Indonesian Government Regulation No. 109, all of tobacco products/cigarette packaging and advertisement should include warning images and age restriction (18+). Graphic warning messages must consist 40% of cigarette packages. After the introduction of graphic images in Indonesian cigarette packaging, the branding of cigarettes as "light", "mild", "filter", etc. is forbidden. Other alternatives: PERINGATAN: MEROKOK SEBABKAN KANKER MULUT. (Warning: smoking can cause mouth cancer) PERINGATAN: MEROKOK SEBABKAN KANKER TENGGOROKAN. (Warning: smoking can cause throat cancer) PERINGATAN: MEROKOK DEKAT ANAK BERBAHAYA BAGI MEREKA. (Warning: smoking can endanger kids near you) PERINGATAN: MEROKOK SEBABKAN KANKER PARU-PARU DAN BRONKITIS KRONIS. (Warning: smoking can cause lung cancer and chronic bronchitis)The warning below appears on the side of the cigarette packaging: DILARANG MENJUAL/MEMBERI PADA ANAK USIA DI BAWAH 18 TAHUN DAN PEREMPUAN HAMIL. (Do not sell or give [this product] to children under 18 years old and expectant mothers)2018– Because all pictorial health warnings (PHW) used in Indonesia originally came from the 2005 version of PHWs in Thailand, on 31 May 2018, the Ministry of Health launched new PHWs, of which two depict Indonesian smokers and one depict a Venezuelan smoker. Other alternatives: PERINGATAN: MEROKOK SEBABKAN KANKER MULUT. (Warning: smoking can cause mouth cancer) PERINGATAN: MEROKOK SEBABKAN KANKER PARU. (Warning: smoking can cause lung cancer) PERINGATAN: ROKOK MERENGGUT KEBAHAGIAAN SAYA SATU PERSATU. (Warning: cigarette takes my happiness out one by one) PERINGATAN: MEROKOK SEBABKAN KANKER TENGGOROKAN. (Warning: smoking can cause throat cancer) LAYANAN BERHENTI MEROKOK: 0800-177-6565 (Smoking quitline: 0800-177-6565) In Iran, a variety of warnings with graphic, disturbing images of tobacco-related harms (including a lung cancer and mouth cancer) are placed prominently on cigarette packages. Japan became the first country in Asia to display a general warning on cigarette packaging in 1972. Prior to 2005, there was only one warning on all Japanese cigarette packages. 健康のため吸いすぎに注意しましょう (For the good of your health, be careful not to smoke too much) (1972–1989) あなたの健康を損なうおそれがありますので吸いすぎに注意しましょう (Be careful not to smoke too much, as there is a risk of damaging your health) (1990–2005)Since 2005, more than one general warning is printed on cigarette packaging. On the front of cigarette packages: 喫煙は、あなたにとって肺がんの原因の一つとなります。疫学的な推計によると、喫煙者は肺がんにより死亡する危険性が非喫煙者に比べて約2倍から4倍高くなります。 (Smoking is a cause of lung cancer. According to epidemiological estimates, smokers are about two to four times more likely than non-smokers to die of lung cancer.) 喫煙は、あなたにとって心筋梗塞の危険性を高めます。疫学的な推計によると、喫煙者は心筋梗塞により死亡する危険性が非喫煙者に比べて約 1.7倍高くなります。 (Smoking increases risk of myocardial infarction. According to epidemiological estimates, smokers are about 1.7 times more likely than non-smokers to die of a heart attack.) 喫煙は、あなたにとって脳卒中の危険性を高めます。疫学的な推計によると、喫煙者は脳卒中により死亡する危険性が非喫煙者に比べて約1.7倍高くなります。 (Smoking increases risk of stroke. According to epidemiological estimates, smokers are about 1.7 times more likely than non-smokers to die of a stroke.) 喫煙は、あなたにとって肺気腫を悪化させる危険性を高めます。 (Smoking can aggravate the symptoms of emphysema.)On the back of cigarette packages: 妊娠中の喫煙は、胎児の発育障害や早産の原因の一つとなります。疫学的な推計によると、たばこを吸う妊婦は、吸わない妊婦に比べ、低出生体重の危険性が約2倍、早産の危険性が約3倍高くなります。(詳細については、厚生労働省のホーム・ページ をご参照ください。) (Smoking during pregnancy is a cause of preterm delivery and impaired fetal growth. According to epidemiological estimates, pregnant women who smoke have almost double the risk of low birth weight and three times the risk of premature birth than pregnant women who do not smoke. (For more information, please visit the Ministry of Health home page at たばこの煙は、あなたの周りの人、特に乳幼児、子供、お年寄りなどの健康に悪影響を及ぼします。喫煙の際には、周りの人の迷惑にならないように注意しましょう。 (Tobacco smoke adversely affects the health of people around you, especially infants, children and the elderly. When smoking, be careful not to inconvenience others.) 人により程度は異なりますが、ニコチンにより喫煙への依存が生じます。 (The degree may differ from person to person, but nicotine [in cigarettes] causes addiction to smoking.) 未成年者の喫煙は、健康に対する悪影響やたばこへの依存をより強めます。周りの人から勧められても決して吸ってはいけません。 (Smoking while underage heightens the addiction and damage to health caused by cigarettes. Never smoke, even if encouraged to by those around you.) In Laos, a variety of warnings with graphic, disturbing images of tobacco-related harms (including a mouth cancer and rotting teeth) are placed prominently on cigarette packages. In Malaysia, general warning as a mandatory on all Malaysian cigarette packaging are in force since June 1976. AMARAN OLEH KERAJAAN MALAYSIA, MEROKOK MEMBAHAYAKAN KESIHATAN (Warning by the government of Malaysia, Smoking endangers health)Starting 1 June 2009, The Malaysian government has decided to place graphic images on the cigarette packs to show the adverse long-term effects of excessive smoking replacing the general warning with text describing the graphic images printed in Malay (front) and English (back) explaining: (in Malay) "Rokok penyebab ..." (in English) "Cigarette causes ..."Graphic warning messages must consist 40% of the front of cigarette packages and 60% in the back. After the introduction of graphic images in Malaysian cigarette packaging, the branding of cigarettes as "light", "mild", etc. is forbidden. In Mexico cigarette packs contain health warnings and graphic images since 2010. By law, 30% of the pack's front, 100% of the pack's rear, and 100% of one lateral must consist on images and warnings. The Secretariat of Health issues new warnings and images every six months. Images have included a dead rat, a partial mastectomy, a laryngectomy, a dead human fetus surrounded by cigarette butts, a woman being fed after suffering a stroke, and damaged lungs amongst others. Warnings include smoking-related diseases and statistics, toxins found in cigarettes and others such as: Smoking kills Your baby can die (appealing to pregnant women) You will have a slow and painful death By smoking you are hurting your family Go ahead, shorten your life Smoking damages your arteriesMexico became the first country to put a warning on cartons of cigarettes that tobacco use could increase in the risk of COVID-19 infection. General warning (on the front of cigarette packages, covering at least 30% of the area, Helvetica font): "Fumatul ucide" (smoking kills) or "Fumatul dăunează grav sănătăţii dumneavoastră şi a celor din jur" (smoking seriously harms you and those around);Additional warnings (on the back of cigarette packages, covering at least 40% of the area, Helvetica font): "Fumătorii mor mai tineri" (smokers die younger); "Fumatul blochează arterele şi provoacă infarct miocardic şi accident vascular cerebral" (Smoking clogs the arteries and causes heart attacks and strokes); "Fumatul conduce la moarte de cancer pulmonar" (smoking causes death from lung cancer); "Fumatul în timpul sarcinii dăunează copilului dumneavoastră" (Smoking while pregnant harm your baby); "Protejaţi copiii dumneavoastră de inspirarea fumului de ţigaretă" (Protect your children from breathing in the cigarette smoke); "Psihologul, profesorul sau medicul vă poate ajuta să renunţaţi la fumat" (Psychologists, Teachers, and Doctors can help you quit smoking); "Fumatul creează dependenţă rapidă, nu încercaţi să fumaţi" (Smoking becomes addictive fast, try not to smoke); "Abandonarea fumatului reduce riscul de îmbolnăviri cardiace sau pulmonare fatale"; "Fumatul poate provoca o moarte lentă şi dureroasă" (Smoking can cause a slow and painful death); "Fumatul reduce circulaţia sîngelui şi provoacă impotenţă" (Smoking reduces blood circulation and increases impotency); "Fumatul provoacă îmbolnăvirea tenului (pielei)" (Smoking causes skin diseases); "Fumatul creează grave disfuncţii sexuale" (Smoking causes serious sexual dysfunction);Regulated by "LEGE cu privire la tutun şi la articolele din tutun" (Law on tobacco and tobacco articles) nr. 278-XVI from 14.12.2007 enabled at 07.03.2008 Cigarette packets in Transnistria have variable warning labels, depending from where they come from (English, Russian, etc.) In Mongolia, a variety of warnings with graphic, disturbing images of tobacco-related harms (including a heart disease and lung cancer) are placed prominently on cigarette packages. In Montenegro, a variety of warnings with graphic, disturbing images of tobacco-related harms (including a mouth cancer and lung cancer) are placed prominently on cigarette packages. In Myanmar, a variety of warnings with graphic, disturbing images of tobacco-related harms (including a heart attack and mouth cancer) are placed prominently on cigarette packages. In Nepal, a variety of warnings with graphic, disturbing images of tobacco-related harms (including a lung cancer and mouth cancer) are placed prominently on cigarette packages. The first health warnings appeared on cigarette packets in New Zealand in 1974. Warning images accompanying text have been required to appear on each packet since 28 February 2008. New Regulations were made on 14 March 2018 which provided for larger warnings and a new schedule of images and messages.By law, 75% of the cigarette pack's front and 100% of the cigarette pack's rear must consist of warning messages. Images include gangrenous toes, rotting teeth and gums, diseased lungs and smoking-damaged hearts. Cigarette packets also carry the Quitline logo and phone number and other information about quitting smoking.In total, there are 15 different warnings. A full list with pictures is available at the New Zealand Ministry of Health's website. Warning messages are rotated annually. Following is a list of the warnings in English and Māori. Smoking causes heart attacks, KA PĀ MAI NGĀ MANAWA-HĒ I TE KAI PAIPA Smoking causes over 80% of lung cancers, NEKE ATU I TE 80% O NGĀ MATE PUKUPUKU KI NGĀ PŪKAHUKAHU I AHU MAI I TE KAI PAIPA Smoking harms your baby before it is born, KA TŪKINOHIA TŌ PĒPI I TO KŌPŪ I TE KAI PAIPA Your smoking harms others, KA TŪKINOHIA ĒTAHI ATU I Ō MAHI KAI PAIPA Smoking is a major cause of stroke, KA PIKI AKE I TE KAI PAIPA TŌ TŪPONO KI TE IKURA RORO Smoking damages your blood vessels, KA TŪKINOHIA Ō IA TOTO I TE KAI PAIPA Smoking is not attractive, KA ANUANU KOE I TE KAI PAIPA Smoking causes heart attacks, KA PĀ MAI NGĀ MANAWA-HĒ I TE KAI PAIPA Smoking causes lung cancer, KA PĀ MAI TE MATE PUKUPUKU KI NGĀ PŪKAHUKAHU I TE KAI PAIPA Smoking when pregnant harms your baby, KA TŪKINOHIA TŌ PĒPI I TE KAI PAIPA I A KOE E HAPŪ ANA Your smoking harms children, KA TŪKINOHIA NGĀ TAMARIKI I Ō MAHI KAI PAIPA Smoking is a major cause of stroke, KA PIKI AKE I TE KAI PAIPA TŌ TŪPONO KI TE IKURA RORO Quit before it is too late, ME WHAKAMUTU KEI RIRO KOE Smoking causes gum disease and stinking breath, KA PĀ TE MATE PŪNIHO, KA HAUNGA TŌ HĀ I TE KAI PAIPA There are two versions of general warnings, as follows: Smoking is addictive Smoking damages lungs Smoking can kill Smoking can cause cancer Smoking can damage the fetus.From 2013 onward, there is a warning: North Korea signed the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control on 17 June 2003 and ratified it on 27 April 2005. Tobacco packaging warning messages are required on all types of packaging, but their appearance is not regulated in any way. They are usually printed in small print on the side of the package and only state that smoking is harmful to health. However, the descriptions must state the nicotine and tar content, must not be misleading and do need to be approved by local authorities. Graphic warning images that are now common worldwide have never appeared on packaging in North Korea. Norway have had general warnings on cigarette packets since 1975. Norway's warnings of today were introduced in 2003 and are in line with EU's legislation, as Norway is an EEA member: On the front of cigarette and cigar packages, covering about 30% of the area: Røyking dreper (Smoking kills) Røyking er svært skadelig for deg og dine omgivelser (Smoking is very harmful to you and your surroundings)On the back of cigarette and cigar packages, covering about 45% of the area: Røyking fører til dødeleg lungekreft (Smoking causes fatal lung cancer) Hvis du slutter å røyke vil du minske risikoen for dødelige hjerte- og lungesykdommer (If you stop smoking, you will reduce the risk of fatal heart and lung diseases) Røyking fører til tidleg aldring av huda (Smoking causes early ageing of the skin) Røyking kan redusere blodgjennomstrømminga og føre til impotens (Smoking may reduce the blood flow and cause impotence) Røyking kan føre til ein langsam og smertefull død (Smoking can cause a slow and painful death) Røyking kan redusere sædkvaliteten og minske fruktbarheten (Smoking can reduce the sperm quality and decrease fertility) Vern barn mot tobakksrøyk, ikke la dem puste inn din røyk (Protect children against tobacco smoke, don't let them inhale your smoke) Røyking er sterkt avhengighetsskapende: Ikke begynn å røyke (Smoking is highly addictive, don't start smoking) Røyking fører til forkalking av årene og forårsakar hjarteinfarkt og slag (Smoking clogs the arteries and causes heart attacks and strokes) Din lege eller ditt apotek kan hjelpe deg med røykeslutt (Your doctor or your pharmacy can help you stop smoking) Få hjelp til røykeslutt – ring Røyketelefonen 800 400 85 (Get help to stop smoking – call the Quitline: 800 400 85) Røyking nedsetter levealderen (Smoking lowers life expectancy) Røyking under graviditeten skader barnet