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14's are pretty much standard for all piercings, but I would recommend a dermal punch with actually removes the tissue reducing other risks. If you plan on stretching punch it at the gauge you want to stretch to if not then you can have them punch it in any gauge you like. Never use anything below a 14 for migration and rejection reasons. I wouldn't really recommend a 14 either, but it is your choice.

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Q: What is the standard gauge for a cartilage piercing?
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Are cartilage piercing holes noticeable?

Depends on the gauge. Mine is 16 gauge and isn't any bigger then my lobe holes.

Is bleeding during cartilage piercing normal?

A little bleeding is to be expected with cartilage piercings, the incision in the cartilage needs to be larger than the jewellery gauge going into the piercing, this is to allow the skin to heal between the jewellery and the cartilage. Excessive bleeding is an indication your piercer didn't candle the cartilage before doing the piercing to see where the veins are located on both sides of the cartilage.

What is the standard gauge for an ear piercing?

The standard gauge for most ear piercings, such as earlobes, is typically 20 gauge. However, cartilage piercings may be done at a slightly larger gauge, often 18 or 16 gauge. It's important to consult with a professional piercer to determine the most suitable gauge for your specific piercing.

What size gauge or mm is an average nose piercing?

For a standard nostril piercing, 18 g.

What is the standard nose ring gauge?

18g is the standard nostril piercing gauge. 20g is too fine and too much like wearing a knife in your piercing should it get caught or snagged.

Ear cartilage piercing?

Ear cartilage piercing, yes and................

Should you get a scaffold piercing or just a cartilage piercing?


Does Miley Cyrus have a cartilage piercing?

yes she does have a cartilage piercing on one ear she also has a nose piercing and a belly piercing too.

What is the standard gauge for a lip piercing?

Depending on the place where you get it done & the standard jewellery they have. It's usually a 14g or a 16g.

Do cartilage piercings definitely scar?

Most people I know including my cartilage piercing left a large circular bumb on the back of my cartilage piercing :/ it's worth it though. I love my cartilage piercing!

What size gauge do you pierce septum with?

The standard starter size for a septum piercing is 14g.

How can you tell if your cartilage has been shattered by a piercing?

There will be bumps in the cartilage near the piercing. It is better to be pierced with a needle.