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A small glass marble

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Q: What is the shaker ball in nail polish made of?
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Related questions

How do you get nail polish off a dish washer?

Nail polish remover soaked cottonwoll ball left to soften the nail polish then wipe off with a fresh ball soaked in nailpolish

What should you do when you use nail polish remover?

Get a ball of cotton and put it over the bottle. Tip it so the cotton ball absorbs the nail polish remover. Then wipe off the nail polish.

How do you remove nail polish off of skin?

Just use the Nail Polish Remover on a cotton ball on your skin.

How do you get nail polish off your blanket?

moisten a tissue with acetone, and rub it across the nails. This product is also known as 'nail polish remover'.

How does nail polish remover evaperate?

The main ingredient in nail polish is acetone and in some cases acetate. The acetone dissolves the nail polish; liquifying it. This makes it easy for it to wipe off with a cotton ball or tissue.

What is the best way to remove nail polish from skin?

The best way to remove nail polish from skin is to put nail polish remover on a cotton ball and put it on the part of your skin and rub it after you get it off make sure you wash the area you put nail polish remover on

What is in nail polish?

Nail polish is a acid polish that goes on your nails and stay's for at least 1 week.!:)I think you have made a typo, if so nail polish is nail varnish.Paint that you put on your nails.I hope this answers your questions!

Is nail polish made out of snakes?

no it is not

How do you get the sally hansen nail stickers off?

You can try peeling them off or get a cotton ball with nail polish remover and scratch at them with the cotton ball.

How do you get marker of a golf ball?

Nail polish remover or white spirit.

Who made finger nail polish?

The Chinese made nail polish a long, long, long, long, long, long, long time ago.

What is nail polish made out of?

Nail polishes today are made of nitrocellulose dissolved in a solvent and either left clear or colored with various pigments. The polish we use today can give its thanks to the car industry. Today's polish is a refined version of car paint. Thus is also why it smells as it does.