=well, it depends on the piercing,==ears, is any age,==and then like if you wanna get your lip done or your labret or monroe you usually have to be sixteen.==there is this place called silver safari,==there is one in bellis fair malll in bellingham and one in spokane.==they basically will do any piercing if your over thirteen have photo id and a parent that has photo id.==if you wanna contct the owner her email is==silver-safari@hotmail.com (:=
Body Piercing Guidelines or "I want a piercing, now what"
Body Piercing Guidelines or "I want a piercing, now what"
Body Piercing Guidelines or "I want a piercing, now what"
For piercings it is entirely up to the parents. Nowdays you can see babies with piercings, however some salons have rules about the minimum age they will pierce a child but there is no legal age.
There is no legal age, you just have to have a legal parent to be your co-signer.
It is any age with parent consent. Many babies get their piercings a while after their born.
10 oh my god how awesome
Legal age is 14 without a parent in england.
Eighteen without parents.
Contact your local business licensing department they can tell you what the bylaw age requirement is for your area.
I'm not sure about other areas, but in BC the legal age for any piercing without consent it 16 (excluding genitalia, nipples and surface piercings) However, there are many professional piercers that you can go to underage. I got my rook pierced when I was 14.
All non-genital piercings have a legal age of sixteen in the UK, although you can be pierced from any age with parental consent. Genital piercings require you to be 18, however, regardless of parental consent.
In New Jersey, you must be at least 16 years old to get a piercing. If you are under this age, you must have a parent with you.
In the USA you are allowed to make your own decisions once you are eighteen.