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beaux bijoux

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Q: What is the French phrase for beautiful jewelry?
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What is 'your beautiful jewelry' when translated from English to French?

"Your beautiful jewelry" in English is tes beaux bijouxin French.

What is the phrase Beautiful skin in french?

Beautiful skin=Belle peau

French phrase for beautiful hair?

de beaux cheveux

What is 'beautiful girl' in French?

Belle fille is a French equivalent of 'beautiful girl'. The word order is the same in French and English. The French phrase is pronounced 'behl fee'.

What is beautiful land in French?

The actual translation to the phrase "beautiful land" in French is (Belle Terre). thank you for your time- Vertigo1234554321 signing out

What is 'sexy beautiful' when translated from English to French?

Bellement sexy! is a French equivalent of the English phrase "sexy beautiful." The phrase translates literally as "beautifully sexy" in English. The pronunciation will be "bel-maw sek-see" in French.

What is the English phrase 'our beautiful life' in french?

Nôtre belle vie

What is the phrase 'beautiful flower' when translated into French?

une belle fleur

What is 'beautiful hill' when translated from English to French?

Belle colline is a French equivalent of the English phrase "beautiful hill." The feminine singular phrase most famously references a winery in Bordeaux, France. The pronunciation will be "bel ko-leen" in French.

What is the English phrase 'beautiful girlfriend' in French?

"Belle copine" is a French equivalent of the English phrase "beautiful girlfriend."Specifically, the feminine adjective "belle" means "beautiful." The feminine noun "copine" means "girlfriend." The pronunciation is "behl koh-peen."

What is the English translation of the French phrase 'belle vue'?

"Beautiful view" is an English equivalent of the French phrase belle vue.Specifically, the feminine adjective belle means "beautiful." The feminine noun vue means "view." The pronunciation will be "behl vyoo" in French.

What is 'beautiful home furnishings' when translated from English to French?

Bel ameublement is a French equivalent of the English phrase "beautiful home furnishings." The masculine singular phrase also translates as "beautiful furniture" in English. The pronunciation will be "beh-la-muhbl-maw" in northerly French and "beh-la-muh-bluh-maw" in southerly French.