

What is porous hair?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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13y ago

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Porous hair is hair that is able to absorb hair relaxers easily. Porous hair is easier to relax.

Porous hair is damaged hair. Hair becomes porous when the outer layer of the hair (cuticle) is damaged and broken. This means that chemicals can enter the hair quicker than they would on non porous hair.

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Q: What is porous hair?
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What is overly porous hair usually caused by?

Overly porous hair is usually caused by bad nutrition.

What is hair porosity?

Porous hair absorbs hair chemicals very quickly and can become over process and damaged quickly. On thecontrary, hair that is not very porous does not absorb chemicals very quickly and can be difficult to perm or colour.

What is porosity of hair?

Porous hair absorbs hair chemicals very quickly and can become over process and damaged quickly. On thecontrary, hair that is not very porous does not absorb chemicals very quickly and can be difficult to perm or colour.

What not to do to hair with high porosity?

Porosity refers to your hair's ability to retain moisture. Hair that is highly porous has a raised cuticle that is both quick to absorb and lose moisture. Much highly porous hair is the result of overprocessing, and it is best to avoid chemical and heat processes on such hair in order to prevent futher damage. Instead, using protein treatments will help fill the gaps in the cuticle of porous hair.

Why is it important to consider the cuticle scales when detangling hair?

It is important because when you come the hair you are going to damage it if it is very tangled. You will damage the cuticle tiles and the hair will become porous. When the hair is porous it will become dry and if you colour it the colour will absorb quicker than normal and it will run out quicker than normal so it is always important to be careful with the hair.

Why does hair absorb oil?

Hair is made of proteins, mostly keratin. The cells are no longer vascular, but the outside of the hair shaft is porous, and can absorb water and oil.

How do you stop your hair from drying frizzy?

humidity causes hair to frizz when its dry hair drying frizzy usually means its over porous or you have split ends

If your hair is already wet and you just died it two days ago and you want to go swimming with the chlorine turn your hair and scalp green?

It all depends on how porous (or how open the hair cuticle is) your hair is. If it is very porous it may turn your hair green. If you're not sure, you can put a good coat of conditioner in your hair before swimming and it should fill the open cuticle, and help keep the chlorine from soaking into your hair.

Will semi permanent hair dye come out in the rain?

It can if you have not washed the excess dye out fully, or if your hair is very porous and has trouble retaining color.

How and why should a porosity test be carried out?

The reason why a porosity test is important is because hair that is more porous will "suck up" color more quickly than less porous hair. This being said, if the hair is not evenly porous, some parts may be darker than others and vice versa. To test the porosity, simply examine the quality of the hair in your hand. If the ends are severely brittle and porous, you might want to suggest a haircut after the service. Or, to make the porosity more even, apply a developer first, leave on for five minutes (don't wash it out), and then mix the desired color with developer and apply evenly.

Will fanci-full hair color rinse ruin highlighted hair or color treated hair?

If your hair is dry and porous then it will. When your hair is damaged it soaks in thr rinse and sometimes it doesn't wash out. If you are fearful at all of this happening to your hair I would not use it.

Explain the importance of considering cuticle scales when disentangling hair?

Cuticle scales are like roof tiles on the hair strand and can catch on each other, making it difficult to untangle hair. By carefully considering the direction of the cuticle scales and using a gentle detangling technique, you can prevent damage and breakage while combing through knots or tangles. This helps to maintain the health and appearance of the hair.