A mole or a freckle.
a mole or freckles
A localized concentration of melanin is referred to as a freckle or a mole.
A freckle or mole.
A localized concentration of melanin is called a freckle or a mole. Melanin is the pigment responsible for determining the color of our skin, hair, and eyes. Freckles and moles are areas where melanin is produced in higher concentrations than the surrounding skin.
a freckle or a mole.
A small, flat, circular spot on the skin that is typically tan, brown, or black is an example of a freckle. Freckles are caused by an increase in melanin production in the skin due to exposure to sunlight.
No, a macule is a flat, discolored spot on the skin, whereas a freckle is a small, pigmented spot on the skin caused by an increase in melanin production. Freckles are typically brown in color and are often the result of sun exposure.
macule or macula
fat, hair, mole, tattoo, pimples, freckle, wart
That is a freckle.