The houses lighted Christmas decorations was so ravishing and entrancing that I had to stop and take another look.
That girl is a real botanist! If there's a ravishing botanist in the room, I brought her.
There are many different synonyms for the word ravishing. Some synonyms for the word ravishing are, adorable, alluring, appealing, charming, dazzling, and tantalizing.
Beautiful, stunning...
Ravishing like you
Radiant, ravishing, respelendent...
Since "ravishing" is an adjective meaning attractive/pleasing/striking, one might compliment a lady by saying: "My, you are looking ravishing this evening (hubba hubba)."
Ravishing is an "R" word that means lovely.
· radiant · ravishing · realistic · reasonable · reliable
Ravishing is a love word. It begins with R.
Ravishing Grimness was created in 1998-12.