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Such a woman is a blonde.
Such a male is a blond.
Notice the different spelling.

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Q: What is a person who has light-coloured hair (a woman)?
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How do you describe a person snatching a woman's hair?

Such a person would be violent, or you can call them an attacker. It does intend on their motives as to how you would describe them, since maybe the woman likes it rough and specifically asked the person to pull her hair. In at least one part of the world, having all your hair ripped out is considered a high honor.

Did madam cj walker work?

She worked as a washer woman and then she worked as a hair care person.

What is the main theme of Medusa?

a woman with snakes as hair and can turn people to stone if that person looks at her

What is the duration of Woman with Red Hair?

The duration of Woman with Red Hair is 1.22 hours.

What hair colour has wonder woman got?

Wonder Woman has black hair.

Black woman hair?

What do you mean? GHow do woman get black hair? Genes, of course.

Oldest living person in Wisconsin?

I know of a woman who is 107 years old and still has naturally beautiful brown hair.

When was Woman with Red Hair created?

Woman with Red Hair was created on 1979-02-17.

What do you call a man with no facial hair?

A woman

Can every woman have underarm hair?

Yes every woman can unless she has a condition that affects hair growth such as alopecia. This is where there is no hair growth at all.

What colour hair does Jordan knight prefer on a woman?

Jordan knight like brown hair woman!

What color is a person with AAbb genotype?

A person with AAbb genotype would have black hair. The genotype A means the person has black hair, while bb means the person has blue eyes.