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Nothing. Women who don't wear makeup are not any better off than those who do; however, something that can happen if you wear makeup is experiencing an allergic reaction to an ingredient in a product, developing a rash, an eye infection, etc. As mentioned, those same things can and do happen to women who don't wear makeup as well.

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Q: What happens to women wearing makeup?
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Related questions

Does wearing makeup for guys affect their skin the same as it does women?

Wearing makeup can affect everyone's skin the same. Men and women have different skin in a sense, but it can tend to cause oil problems, and pimples as well.

Light Colors For Makeup?

In order to apply makeup as naturally as possible, don't get colors that are vibrant. The brighter the colors of the makeup, the more it will look like you are wearing a costume of sorts. Brown is one of the colors that many women enjoy wearing and you can find a shade that will match any complexion. Light pinks are another great color that shows that you are wearing makeup but is not overly used.

How old is the use of makeup?

Women(and/or men) have been wearing, and using make up since the 1920's

How to Put Makeup on in a Professional Way?

If you are wondering how to put makeup on the right way, you probably want to look like you've just walked out of a beauty salon. There are many women who want this look, and it is not hard to do at home if you have the right makeup products. Many women fall into the habit of wearing too much makeup. One of the big things to remember when applying your makeup is that you don't want people to be aware that you are wearing it. Therefore, it should blend well with your natural appearance.

Is Taylor Swift wearing any makeup in her safe and sound officil video?

She is wearing very light makeup that makes it look like she is not wearing any.

Is wearing makeup bad?

Wearing makeup is a personal choice and it is not inherently bad. However, it is important to use makeup in moderation and choose products that are safe for your skin to avoid any potential negative effects. It's always a good idea to take breaks from wearing makeup to allow your skin to breathe and regenerate.

Who was the first woman to wear makeup?

women has been wearing make up since man has writen. Civilizations from 5000 years recorded in the Bible has been wearing make up.

What if your girlfriend wearing makeup going out?

It doesn't mean anything more than she wants to look good; she can be wearing makeup because she is breaking out and feeling a little self conscious, or she can be wearing makeup to enhance her appearance. It's no cause for worry.

What is a good age to start makeup?

I think girls should start wearing makeup whenever they feel like it (not feel pressured to wear it just because other girls their age are wearing it). But I think that a good age to start wearing makeup (apart from special occasions e.g. wedding, etc) is about 11. I started wearing makeup (just mascara and eyeliner) when I was about 11, and when I was 13 I started wearing proper makeup (foundation, lipstick, etc) :)

Is Peyton List wearing makeup?


Can Mormons wear makeup?

Yes. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) may wear makeup. They are asked not to be extreme in their appearance, so most only wear light, natural looking makeup. Check out the "Related Links" below to see photos of Mormon women wearing makeup.

What is cultural makeup?

Cultural Makeup is the type of makeup that is worn by women in different cultures.