Hair color does not affect the number of hair follicles on the head. The number of hair follicles is determined genetically and remains constant regardless of hair color.
Blondes have the most with about 120,000 strands. Redheads have the least with 80,000. People with black or brown hair are somewhere in between the two. It's to do with the gene pool and nothing more! Has nothing to do with hair color.
It all depends. The amount varies. If you brush your hair and wash you hair in a day then that looses more strands then if you dont. Also running your hands through your hair can loose strands and having knots in your hair and brushing them also looses hair. On average you loose about 100-200 strands a day but like i said that varuies in what you do to your hair in that day.
over 400 billion strands of hair....... I'm a true beliber
Not if you want the color to last. It takes about three days for the color to really lock itself into the hair strands. What you CAN do is tell the stylist you colored it yesterday, and then she'll know to just rinse it and put conditioner in. That won't hurt the new color.
blue eyes
To separate hair threads from saffron strands, you can gently shake or tap the strands over a clean surface. The hair threads, being lighter, will separate easily and can be removed by hand or with a small pair of tweezers. Be careful not to lose any saffron strands in the process.
depends...on weather, hair color and age. as it gets warmer, hair tends to become thicker. as you get older hair also thickens and strengthens. black hair is thicker than red hair. but on average hair strands range from about 17 to 60 micrometers
Highlights are shades that are lighter than the allover hair color. A few of your hair strands especially in the front are highlighted. They add depth to the look of your hair. Lowlights on the other hand are shades that are darker than the allover hair color. They are added to light color hair as they soften the look of your hair color. Sometimes highlights and lowlights are combined to overcome the stripy look. To create real magic, you need to find a good stylist that understands your needs.
Hair turns grey as the body produces less melanin, the pigment that gives hair its color. As melanin production decreases with age, hair strands lose their color and appear grey or white.
whipe the strands of youre hair with nailpolish remover