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Q: What gets dirtier the more you wash it?
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What is a sentence with the word dirtier?

The kitchen floor was dirtier than the bathroom floor.

What becomes white the dirtyer it gets?

A chalkboard becomes whiter as it gets dirtier with chalk dust.

What is the comparative and superlative of the words sturdy dirty and faithful?

sturdier, sturdiest; dirtier, dirtiest; more faithful, most faithful.

What happens to the dirtier of a light wave when it passes from a less dense medium such as air into a more dense medium such as glass?

The answer depends on what on earth you mean by the "dirtier" of a wave.

How do you use dirtier in a sentence?

Conrad was dirtier then Connie.

Does a penny get cleaner or dirtier while sitting in a cup of soda?

It gets cleaner because of the weak acid that is in the soda we drink.

Why is black belt the highest rank?

When Martial Arts was first developed, people would start out with white belts. As they would train, their belts would become dirtier and dirtier, and they would not wash them. They only became a black belt when their belt was so dirty that it was literally black.

What is the comparative and superlative word of dirty?

Dirtier and dirtiest.

Which gets dirtier faster long or short hair?

It depends what your activity level is and what activity you do. but generally long hair because it drags on everything it can touch, so it gets dirty.

What is comparative form of dirty?

The comparative form of "dirty" is "dirtier."

Which ones better white or black s550 Mercedes?

Well black looks more sexier, so I would choose black because white gets dirtier easier therefore you will spend yet more money washing it. BUY THE BLACK CAR!

What is the comparative form of dirty?
