Valentine's Day 2007 he got is on his wrist.
It means that someone was too chicken to go through with getting a tattoo, and the green means that it is older than dirt. Is it on the wrist bone or on the hand? It may be a Southie or a Dorchester Dot Tattoo.
It's a heart with 'Mother' and 'Patricia' written around it.
Sienna Miller has a dove tattoo on her wrist.
It means "good name".
She has believe scripted on her left wrist and a heart with wings on her inner right bicep.
I think it means being in the navy or being a sailor...
"What goes around comes around" on right wrist, "Tru Luv" on right wrist and a razor blade on her left wrist
David has a Kanji tattoo on each wrist, one means "Soul" and the other means "Destiny"
Zak's tattoo on his right wrist is something to do with vampires. -GAC's #1 fan :)
Im pretty sure i may be wrong but she has a tattoo on her wrist that says "Daddy"with a heart
Demi Lovato has a tattoo because when she was in rehab all her fans would put a heart on their wrist and she wanted to recognized all her fans. i hope i answered your question.