What is 333 gold?
333 gold in W.o.W?Gold 333 is one of the jewels of gold. It can create color white, pale yellow, yellow, pink, orange or red have. It is often sold in Germany. Gold 333 is in addition to the trade names and 333er Gold 333/000 Gold as Au333 or Au 33 is replaced. It is also known as ct gold 8 carat gold 8 or designated 8-carat gold. But gold 333 is not really a real gold. It is namely lack the typical characteristics of this precious metal.Composition of Gold 333With a share of 8-carat gold is only about one third of gold, more units are made of copper and / or silver. In addition there are other alloys such as tin, zinc or nickel. Established is that alloys are usually named after the metal, which is the main component. A 333er gold alloy, for example, 22% copper and silver is rightly provides for a 45% silver alloy containing gold, so no gold.