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Brazilians are well-known as good runners and athletes, Brazilians are known for, since childhood until death, eating 35% more fruit and vegetables than any other culture. Brazil is the number one fruit exporter and user. Brazil is number two country by vegetable importing.

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Q: What do Brazilians do to keep physically fit?
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You might get sick or be too tired to do things that you used to.

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figure it out lazy

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about half an hour to keep the blood pumping and the heart fit

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81% of all high schoolers are not physically fit.~1stDestroyer

What are the importants of a physical fit body?

The importance of having a physically fit body is that you enhance the proper function of the body organs. This will keep you healthy at all times. Here are The 7 Minute Workout Plan to stay fit.

What is the important of being physicaly fit?

The importance of having a physically fit body is that you enhance the proper function of the body organs. This will keep you healthy at all times. Here are The 7 Minute Workout Plan to stay fit.

How can you tell if the person is not physically fit?

a person is not physically fit if he/she feels weak. cannot think clearly. feels uncomfortable

Why do the astronauts have to be mentally and physically fit?

If they werent mentally fit, they would have a breakdown, and if they arent physically fit, they couldn't do their work in 0 Gravity. Please Reccomend.