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In the direction of the hair growth, not against it.

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Q: What direction are you supposed to shave?
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Are you supposed to shave your pubes?

NO , But MOST girls like it . . .

Are girls supposed to shave their crotch?

yes they are, not requiired but most do.

What direction should you shave your legs?

the opposite direction of the growth of the hair which is usually upwards

In what direction do you shave facial hair if its your first time?

, it would be good to shave from top to bottom.And gently as well.

What are girls supposed to shave?

We Can Shave everywhere where we have hair. It can be Upper Lip, Pubic Hair, Armpits, Arms, Legs, back, ect

When shaving the face and pubic region should you shave with or against the direction of growth?

You want to shave with the grain/direction of growth. For a closer shave you can go against if you know the areas on yourself well enough because they can become irritated, bumpy, and itchy after this.

Did someone from one direction shave their head?

Yes, Liam did.

Are girls supposed to shave their bums?

no, it will grow back and be prickley and you may get pimples

Are girls supposed to have hair on their butt?

Its normal.. it just depends on your genes. i do but dont shave it off!

Where are you supposed to shave?

You don't HAVE to shave anything. I suggest shaving under the arms, on the legs, don't shave your arms! It'll grow back thick and dark. As for private areas, use Nair and ask your mom to get your some razers.

In which direction should a driver expect a bicyclist to ride?

Cyclists are supposed to ride in the same direction as motorized vehicle traffic.

Will using a men's electronic razer really help my boyfriend with the many ingrown hairs he seems to get?

There is no reason for the electric razor to cause ingrown hairs as long as you shave with the direction of the hair growth and use a good after shave. If you shave against the hair growth your chances of getting an ingrown hair are higher.