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Here is a simple guidance on how to eat proper food to reduce the acne outbreaks.

Avoid fatty, oily and sugary foods. Avoid the junk food you love so much because of its additives and preservatives which aren't good for your acne. This means cutting out chocolate, crisps, candy and sugary biscuits out of your shopping list. Instead pick up apples, Pears, bananas and Oranges which are much healthier and contain those vital minerals and vitamins your body requires so much of.

You should also avoid dairy products such as cheese and ice cream, refined carbohydrates found in pastas, white bread, flour and others. Red meat and tuna should also be refrained from. Certain types of nuts like Brazil nuts, walnuts, almonds, pistachios and peanuts should also not be consumed by those suffering from acne.

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Q: What diet will help 4 acne?
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Where can I find more information on acne diet ?

Individuals can get information on the acne diet. To get information on the acne diet, individuals can go to and There is a lot of information on the acne diet that is available.

Where would I find more information about the acne diet?

Talk to your doctor/dermatologist, they should be able to help you with that acne. As for changing diet, yes it will help. Certain foods and drink process together to help keep clear skin, while others do quite the opposite.

Is there a superior treatment for acne worth looking into?

There are many treatments for acne, most of which are heavily promoted by the drug industry or the medical profession on their behalf. However, good diet can cure acne. Fresh fruit, and in particulay apples, can help cure acne.

Where can I found out about acne free diet? This website is great for any information you may need when trying to pursue a diet that will allow you to be healthy and acne free.

Does bread causes acne?

Yes, diet can certainly cause acne.

Does eliminating dairy products in your diet help control acne?

No, for a normal person diet actually has very little effect. If you are suffering from bad acne, there are prescription treatments that your docter can give you to help. However please remember that as children grow up and turn into adults, it is common (especially for boys) for them to go through a phase of acne which will clear up on its own.

Can you get acne when you're a vegetarian?

Anyone can get acne if their diet is high in simple carbohydrates.

What are some acne care tips that can be done at home?

Facial masks and peels that are sold over the counter can be used to help with existing acne and as a way to prevent it. Keeping the skin clean and free of oil can help to prevent pimples or acne breakouts but diet should also be considered.

What Else Can You Do for your Acne While on the Acne Diet?

If you're currently trying the acne diet to get rid of the skin condition, you may feel like your dieting efforts just aren't doing enough to keep the condition under control. Instead of just relying on the acne diet to take care of the blemishes, try adding in some vitamin supplements into your daily intake. To be more specific, try to work in Vitamin A and zinc to help you in your battle against acne. Additionally, green tea has been known to work wonders for those trying to get rid of acne through the acne diet. Always be sure to cleanse your face well in the morning and at night to maximize your efforts.

Do cigarettes help acne?

Cigarettes do not help acne.

Can hydrocortisone help acne?

yes it can help with acne

Where can I go to get some information on an acne free diet?

If you want to get clear, acne-free skin, Include 5 foods in your daily diet. Scan the code to know more details.