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Yellow, Orange, Pastel green, and Purple depending on shade..........

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Q: What colours look best on people with dark skin tones and blakish-brown hair?
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What color bedspread will go with mocha walls?

The best colours would either be a darker brown, a lighter brown such as beige or cream. Go with natural tones.

What is the Lucky color for Gemini for an inteview?

Lucky colours for Gemini are Light green, Orange, Yellow. Small quantities or muted tones are best, add brown too your ensemble to project trustworthiness.

What color clothing look good on fair skin women?

Finding the right colours that look good on you are dependent on your "season" (Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn) If you are fair skinned and have a combination of naturally blonde or light to medium brown hair with blue, green or hazel eyes (usually people of European descent), then you are most likely Spring or Autumn. Colours that will look good on you are grey, yellow, pastel colours (baby blue, pink, lilac, etc) and also bright colours. Stay away from darker colours like navy, burgundy and purple; darker tones will appear too harsh against your fair skin. If you are fair skinned and have a combination of dark brown hair or black hair with brown eyes (usually people of Asian descent), then you are a Winter. Darker colours and jewel-tone colours look best on you, because they are complimented by the darkness of your hair and eye colour. Try colours like emerald, ruby, olive, royal blue, etc.

Why is running the best form of exercise?

cause it tones the whole body.

What are the best colours?

Blue Yellow Green ECT.

What is the best color of hessonite?

The best Hessonite come in brilliant fiery tones from yellow-orange to brown-red hues.

What colors best absorb light?

dark colours with the best one for this being black.

Which Asus Sound card provides the best high tones for game usage?

The Asus 7.1 surround sound card is great for high tones if you have good, quality speakers during gameplay.

What color reflect the heat?

Light colours. White is best.

What colours look best together?

Green blue purple &pink look best together.

What exercise tones abs?

The Pilates Method is the best form of exercise to tone & strengthen the abdominals/core.

What colors have the best impact on people with Alzheimer's disease?

My friend uses the colours blue and yellow but a dark shade of green however every ones eyes are different .