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When you paint a room, white makes the room appear to be larger. Horizontal stripes also make a room appear larger.

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What do we use to make distant objects appear closer and larger?

We use telescopes to make distant objects appear closer and larger. Telescopes use lenses or mirrors to gather and focus light, allowing us to see objects that are far away with greater clarity.

What tools make an object appear larger?

Magnifying glass, microscope, and telescope are tools that make objects appear larger. They use lenses to magnify and focus light to enhance the visibility of small objects.

What is a definition of telescope?

A telescope is an optical system used to make objects, especially distant objects, appear larger/closer.

What is used to make objects appear larger?

Magnifying lenses or mirrors can be used to make objects appear larger by manipulating the way light passes through or reflects off an object, thus increasing its apparent size.

Would a convex lens make nearby objects appear larger?

Yes it would

What is lens that makes objects look larger called?

A magnifying lens or magnifying glass is used to make objects appear larger when viewed through it.

What do you use to make distance objects appear and larger?

You can use binoculars, a telescope, and if u don't have that, a zoom lense on a camera

A device used to make objects not visible to the human eye larger?

A magnifying glass is a device that magnifies objects to make them appear larger and easier to see. It works by bending light rays to focus an enlarged image to the viewer's eye.

What is a word that means an object that makes distant objects appear nearer and larger?

The word you're looking for is "telescope." Telescopes use lenses or mirrors to magnify distant objects and make them appear closer and clearer for observation.

Why do objects in water appear different?

Objects in water appear different due to refraction, which occurs as light travels from one medium to another. This causes the light rays to bend, altering the way objects underwater are perceived from above the surface. The refraction can make objects appear larger, closer, or distorted compared to when they are viewed in air.

Does a microscope make objects look larger?

Yes, a microscope uses lenses to magnify and make objects appear larger than they actually are. This allows for detailed examination of small structures that are not visible to the naked eye.

Does refraction cause objects to appear larger and closer when looking through a mask during a dive?

Yes, refraction can make objects appear larger and closer when looking through a mask underwater. This is due to the bending of light as it passes from water to air, making objects appear closer than they actually are.