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== == This is called Rocacea (butterfly from nose to sides onto cheeks and even spread to the forehead, chin, neck and chest of certain individuals. Over 45 million people in the world suffer from this. It strikes white-skinned people more often or Europeans especially the Celts. The symptoms start to show themselves mostly from the age of 30 - 50. It starts with 'flushing' as if one is embarrassed. Often this will be the only symptom, but for some individuals they can have an outbreak of puss filled large boil like pimples that will last 4 - 5 days. These outbreaks can occur often is some individuals. It is known for sure that stress can bring it on as well as hormonal changes. Blood vessels (tiny thread like ones) can stay on the skin permanently. Rosacea affects both males and females, but seems to be more common in females. Eventually scarring and thickening of the skin can occur along with red, gritty eyes, burning and stinging sensations in many individuals. Unfortunately, for SOME Rosacea sufferers depression can occur because of the painful burning sensations and the scarring which decreases the quality of life for these individuals. The causes of Rosacea has elevated levels of a peptide called 'cathelicidin and elevates levels of stratum corneum typtic enzymes (SCTE's) Antibiotics may work for a short time, but it eventually ceases to work and a long regiment of antibiotics is not good for the immune system. Rosacea can also be hereditary especially for fair-skinned people and the Rosacea is more pronounced in European or Celtic ancestry. Exercising, changes in temperature and even cleaning one's face or women wearing certain cosmetics can cause an outbreak. It is noted that in some cases the sun (without burning) can help heal some of the pustules that can develop from Rosacea. Anxiety, cold wind, moving from cold to warm or extremely hot environments can cause symptoms of Rosacea. Suffers must be careful of certain foods they eat (keep a log on all food ingested.) Spicy foods, foods high in histamines (coffee, tea, alcohol) as well as fruits containing high levels of antioxidants such as red grapes. Some Rosacea has been caused by microdermabrasion, chemical peels, benzoyl peroxide and steroids (sometimes given for other skin conditions.) Dermatologists give out creams to the patient that will work for a short time, but often stop working and it's back to the specialist and very frustrating for the patient. Studies of Rosacea that it MAY be a neurological disorder from hyper sensitization of sensory neurons following activation of plasma called 'kallikrein-kinin system' and it is caused by exposure to intestinal bacterial in the digestive tract. Each individual reacts best to different treatments and find the correct treatment can lead to stress and depression. Diet and 8 - 8 ounce glasses of water per day is important. It most cases covering up while out in the sun or when it's extremely cold out. So far there are only certain medicated creams that can reduce the triggers to outbreaks. Some of these medicated creams can actually make the problem worse in some individuals. My girlfriend this past summer had such a bad outbreak she refused to leave her home. She had tried one cream after the other as well as Azelaic acid which seemed to irritate her condition more. I did feel so badly for her and told her to keep a log on the foods she ate and also to try the product 'Proactive' (bought in drug stores or most malls) and she had nothing to lose. Of course I couldn't blame her for being dubious over Proactive, but she did try it and now her skin has cleared up by 98%. She continues to use this produce without missing one treatment. Proactive is worth a try, but it does not work on all individuals. Other treatments include Co2 lasers to remove excess tissue. Low levels of light therapy have also been used, but not highly effective. The old tried and true Victorian era method of Sulphur has not regained in popularity as a safe alternative to steroid treatments or coal tar. Treat your stress level, keep a log on the foods you eat to see if you pin point the certain foods that will cause a flareup and be careful out in the sun or very cold weather. Take it easy on exercise, but get some exercise such as brisk walking, or working out on a tread machine (15 minutes only and perhaps 2 - 3 times ever 3rd day. You are going to be flushes, but to be healthy you have to keep your heart rate up. The good news is that there are great natural cosmetics out there that both female and males can use that do not clog pours or irritate the condition. Ask your Proactive Representative which ones these are, or, go to a natural cosmetic salon and ask a professional. This will help cover up the red blotches and make the face, neck or chest appear appear more even toned. The malar rash, or butterfly rash, is common in a variety of diseases, but is most famously associated with SLE, System Lupus Erythematosus. SLE, usually just called lupus, is an autoimmune disease which is often misdiagnosed because it mimics many other conditions. The butterfly rash with SLE is red, purple-ish, scaly, and is in a butterfly shape involving the bridge of the nose.

Because other conditions may have similar rashes or similar other conditions, your doctor needs to examine you to rule out other diseases. For example, rosacea (see above) also causes redness in the face. SLE is a serious, life long condition, but there are medications which help control it, so it is important that you see your physician.

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Q: What causes red patches buterfly on face?
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