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Print a picture of the scene cut you want and bring it. You might want to get different pics with angles of the style. (All scene cuts are similar...use any.) This will show her exactly what you want.

They can cut it TWO ways:

So it is long, so you can style it how you want.

OR cut it short to get extensions.

Tell the stylist how edgy you want it as well. Most of them have had expirience with this style with its popularity.

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Q: What can you say to the hair dresser so i can get a scene hair cut?
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How can you cut your hair into a scene cut if you have short hair?

Simple! ;; ]] put it so you have a big side fringe? spiike it!? gel backwards (like Emma watsons new hair) put it all to one side like a massive combover? ALL OF THESE are scene, fashionable and stunning"! people say you cant do anything with short hair but to tell the truth you can do more with short hair than long! have fun experimenting (:

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i am a hair dresser and i have never done it but i have seen others do it so i would say 2-10

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Yes, those on scene say that he was really cut by the bottle.

Why do they call it a hair cut and not a hairs cut?

Hair is a word that can either mean one hair, or just hair in particular. When you say "Hair Cut", the word "Hair" is plural. There is no need to pluralize it with an 's' on the end.

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Hi there. This is a very good question to ask! I will you give an example. E.G. Your daughter wants a hair cut, very short, into a bob, shoulder length. The mum or dad are not happy about that and they disagree strongly. You explain to the hair dresser and they cut it half way. So say your hair was down to your bum, they might cut it so it is the middle of your back, who nows! But that is what compramising is. And then everybody is happy and there are no arguments! x

What do you ask for at the salon if you want to cut your hair short?

you just say please can i have my hair cut to what lenght you want

What is a good sporty haircut for a girl?

Ok........ It would take way too long for me to go through all the possibilities (I would be happy to do that if you explained your facial structure in a message to me...I would tell you the right hair cut for you!) ,but I'm just going to say this. go online and find a sporty hair cut that you like and think would look great on you. then go to your hair dresser and tell him/her that you want that hair cut. Don't dye your hair, just get it cut. If you don't like it, sorry. That's all I got ,but sporty hair cuts are almost always short with bangs, if that gives you any ideas.

Why don't we say hairs cut?

Getting your hair cut implies that it is more than one strand of hair has been cut. Therefore, hairs cut is not used.

How many layers do you need for scene hair?

i would say about 9 or 10

Who is the most famous hair dresser that lives in williamsport?

Okay. Well it all depends on what type of style hair you like. Say like... If you want someone to listen and do what you say and tell you if they don't know if it will look okay on you. That means that you need to call around and find out. Like my father Is a hair dresser.(No he is not GAY!)People love him because he is honest and will tell you if its not the right look for you.! Unlike some people that don't care and will go under or beyonde what you wannted. So my advice is to call around and find out.(P.S, If you have to wait to get into that person even for a hair cut and lets say you have to make an apointment ahead of time that probably means that they are really gpood..!!)

How do you cut scene hair with African hair?

Just cut it like you would if you had normal hair, at the back, cut it short, leave a side fringe and bangs, if your hair is fuzzy, you can get a permanent straight perm, although, it is very expensive, usually around $750, if you don't have that much money, just straighten it, if you want to dye it, you can dye it black with multi coloured raccoon foils on the bangs, multi colour is fun unless your emo, most people say their emo but dress in bright colours and stuff like that but their not at all depressed, that's scene. I'm sorry this was so long :/