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Q: What body can grow back after it's cut in half?
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What can grow body back in two days if cut in half?


What can grow its body back in two days after being cut in half?


What can grow it's body back in two days after being cut in half?


I can grow my body back in about two days if cut in half. Many scientists believe I do not undergo senescence. What am I?

a bug

Can flatworms grow back after cut in half?

yes it can

Do Planaria always grow back their body when you cut them?

Yes, they do! You can cut them in any way you want and they will grow back!

What does a cut worm become?

If you cut a worm in half, the half with the head on it, the tail will grow back. It will NOT become two worms!!!

Can cut hair regrow on your body?

YES your hair can grow back after you cut it

If a worm is cut in half does it grow back?

No, when a worm is cut in half, the part with the head cannot grow back a new tail and the part with the tail cannot grow back a new head. Both halves will eventually die.

If you cut a tick in half will it die?

If you cut a tick it should die, unless the tick has stem cells in its body which reproduce new parts of the body if it is cut off, for instance if you cut of the head of a tick and it has stem cells in its body it will b able to grow that head back over time, while its head or other part of the body is growing back the body can function the same way it did before

What type of animal that if their tail gets cut off it will grow back?

The Drop tail Lizard is one of them. A flatworm such as the planarian can regenerate body parts. If you cut it in half the part with the head will grow a new tail and the part with the tail will grow a new head. Pretty wicked!

Can slugs that are cut in half grow themselves back?

umm, probly not.. only worms