The tongue piercing done by a professional body piercer reduces the odds of striking a vein greatly, it's what we do and we know what to look for. Be sure to get this piercing done by an experienced professional body piercer and you will have no worries. Research, ask questions and check references.
The odds of hitting a runner runner flush in Texas Hold'em are approximately 4.2. This means that you have a 1 in 24 chance of getting the cards you need on the turn and river to complete a flush.
The odds of hitting a set on the flop in Texas Hold'em are approximately 11.8.
The odds of hitting a runner runner flush in a game of poker are approximately 4.2.
The odds of you getting into a wreck and dying are less than the odds of hitting someone and killing them. While under the influence, your body goes with the flow, so to speak, so it doesn't affect you as badly.
The odds of hitting a pair on the flop in Texas Hold'em poker are approximately 32.
The odds of hitting a set by the river in Texas Hold'em poker are approximately 11.8.
The odds of hitting a flush after the flop in Texas Hold'em poker are approximately 0.84 or 1 in 118.
The odds of hitting a flush with suited cards in a game of poker are approximately 1 in 118 or about 0.85.
The odds of hitting a set in Texas Hold'em poker are approximately 11.8 or 1 in 8.5 hands.
The odds of hitting a flush after the flop in Texas Hold'em poker are approximately 0.84 or 1 in 118.
well there are 6 sides and the odd of hitting one is a 1 out of 6 chance. the odds of hitting five is a 5 out 6 chance