A Kamias is native to Malaysia and is usually spread on the skin to treat bug bites. It contains protein, phosphorous, iron, and fiber.
ewan q sau
Wheat flour can make the skin appear while the flour is on the skin. However, flour won't whiten the skin in the way bleach will.
Yes you can but why would you want to whiten your skin?
Yes, it absolutely can whiten the skin ..
You can use mulberry leaves whiten your skin. You will just need to pound the leaves and use the sap by applying it to your skin for lightening it.
yes defenitily
Why do you want to whiten your skin? No skin colour is perfect or the right skin colour. Everyone is different. Whether you are black, yellow, white, green. You're beautiful. x
Study how to construct your words.
for food seasoning, preserves, jam, pickles and candies. Kamias can be use as well as in cleaning hands and removing stains from clothing. Even the Kamias juice is made into syrup and can cure fever, haemorrhage, beri-beri and cough. The leaves can also be heated and applied to skin itches and irritations. by, (b)
What is kamias in English?
Kamias, also known as bilimbi, contains various chemical components such as oxalic acid, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and citric acid. It also contains other compounds like phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and dietary fibers. These components contribute to the sour taste and potential health benefits of kamias.