Dry skin seems to be affecting a lot of people and the following website I'm providing has a list of home remedies to help cure your affliction: http://www.natural-homeremedies.com/homeremedies_dryskin.htm. The great thing about the website is that it provides recipes with items found in your every day kitchen.
No Cancer is too serious to be dealth with through home remedies. You'll need proper medical care and probably surgery as well.
No home remedies can treat mange without seriously injuring the hamsters skin. Take your hamster to a vet.
There are not many home remedies to protect your skin from the sun. The best thing to do is to always cover up.
I do know there are precriptions that you could get from your doctor or your dermitogilist to help treat your skin problem Rosacea. I would ask your pharmist if there is anything over the counter.
One can get natural soft skin by exfoliating. Although, others use home remedies. Home remedies are the most helpful which can be found in your own homes.
Use Shea butter
There are a few natural remedies or home remedies which involve simple household ingredients that can be used in stopping and treating acne. One can easily find the ingredients for these remedies in the Supermarket or Walmart or in their own homes. Some all natural remedies include using toothpaste on areas of acne infected skin or using a sliced potato on the skin. Using a sliced lemon on the skin is also another good home remedy for acne.
Put on plenty of lotion before bedtime!
Blackheads are essentially clogged pores usually found around the base of the nose and chin. To treat blackheads at home, one can try various home remedies. Some of these home remedies include using a paste made of honey, lemon, baking soda, green tea, cornmeal or cinnamon and applying this paste to the affected area. Leave on skin for a few minutes, and wash off with lukewarm water.
Sun burn can't be reduced with anything but time. There are plenty of home remedies that can be used to treat the discomfort of a sun burn such as a cold bath, The leaves of an Aloe plant. Another good home remedy for sunburn is Noxzema skin cream.
Herbal remedies have been used for centuries to treat skin disorders including contact dermatitis. An experienced herbalist can recommend the remedies that will be most effective for an individual's condition.
Go see your doctor and have him look at your skin. You could have the start of skin cancer. Follow his directions and forget home remedies .