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Usually at puberty.

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Q: What age do women get hair between their legs?
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What is the age to start shaving legs?

I believe that girls should start to shave their legs when they enter middle school. this means between 5th and 6th grade. Different answer: you should shave your legs when you get permission from your parents (normal age is between 11 and 13) Newest answer: There is no age when you should start! You should start when you want too and there is a lot of hair but I would say like 12-13 years old. Ten year old girls should not shave their legs though. That's too young. Another answer Ask your mother at the time when you feel you are ready to shave your legs.

What percentage of women in the US dye their hair by age 40 or age 50?

75 %

What age should you shave legs?

There is no specific age to begin shaving. You shave your legs when you feel they need shaving. However, most girls wait until at least after beginning menstruation. In fact, it may be best to wait until a few years until your hormones regulate because hormones influence hair growth during puberty. Many women decide later that shaving has been a waste of time and energy. In fact, many women never shave their legs. Many people believe that shaving makes hair grow back in coarser (harder), thicker, and more noticeable than when they had never first shaved. Whether this is scientifically true or not, most women will say that this is their experience. At minimum, it can be annoying (to say the least) to deal with stubble and ingrown hairs as the hair re-grows in-between shaving.

Does waxing at a young age stop hair from growing on legs?

Not one bit, in fact hair removal has a tendancy to cause a more robust hair growth when the hair returns.

How do you get white hair?

by getting stress , and also by the age , if your age between 40 your going to get white hair

How old do you have to be to get a laser treatment for body hair?

I don't think there is a specific age you have to be. One of my friends had laser Hair removal on her legs when she was 12.

What age do you have to be to shave your armpits?

well maybe when you start shaving your legs or gettin hair under there lol

What age do women stop their periods?

between the age of 45 -55

When does leg hair start growing?

Depends ... Boys = Age 14 Girls = Age 12-13 Second Answer: You have leg hair from when you are a child. The hair on your arms and legs is what protects you from the sun. It doesnt just randomly start growing. My cousin has hair on her leg and she is 10. is that bad

How are the most beautiful women judged?

Beauty is judged in many ways, facial attractiveness, height, age, youth, bust waist hips ratio, legs, hair and symmetry of face, also sexual attractiveness and body language and confidence.

What percentage of women dye their hair?

Women likely at this modern world .They start dying hair at the age of 20 itself now a days. And mostly at the average of 40 percent wil make dye at the average age of 35 - 40

If you are 26 but look 15 how can you attract women your age?

Get some facial hair going.