It is cosmetic surgery, there is nothing particularly secret about it.
Yes, she got cosmetic surgery on her face.
There are two very good addresses for cosmetic surgery face lift in Boston: The first is the "A Center for Cosmetic Surgery" at 138 St. James Avenue. The second one is called "SkinHealth Centers" at 73 Newbury Street.
Some examples of facial cosmetic surgery include: botox, hair removal, face-lift, dermabrasion, cosmetic dentistry and wrinkle treatment. Some examples of body cosmetic surgery include: tummy tuck, butt lift and body hair removal.
obviously she has had major cosmetic surgery on her face, just look at less recent pictures taken of her!
It is appears that she has undergone cosmetic surgery but it is only speculation if she or her doctor have not confirmed it.
Breast augmentation, face lift, rhinoplasty, eyebrow lift, eye bug reduction, lip fullness or reduction, tummy tuck, butt lift, liposuction , and etc.
Bupa cosmetic surgery specializes in breast enlargement, breast uplift, liposuction, weight loss surgery, nose surgery, breast reduction, tummy tuck, laser eye surgery, face lift, neck lift, etc.
The top cosmetic procedure in CA in 2010 was face lift. Most people get the Botox injections if they don't work they get the facelift that tightens the eyes, chin and etc.
There is a long list of celebrities that have had cosmetic surgery. Some of them include Amanda Bynes who admits to having a nose job, Heidi Montag who has had almost her entire face made over, and Bruce Jenner who admits to having a partial face lift and a nose job.
There should be a noticeable improvement in the contour of the face and neck. Some fine wrinkling of the skin may be improved, but deep wrinkles are likely to require another cosmetic procedure.
Although it is not for certain, from observation it does look like Lorrie Morgan did have cosmetic surgery. From just these observations hints of botox fillers and a slight face lift are definetly there. These things can be assumed because in recent photos Morgan's wrinkles on her face seem to have faded by a significant amount and her face seems a bit lifted.