

Best Answer

you absolutely can wash your kinky twist wash them like you normally wash your hair

apply moisturizer and your hair looks as if you just came from the shop

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Q: Wash kinky twist after you take them out?
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Related questions

How long does it take to do kinky twist?

3 hours depends on how big they are

How long does kinky twist last?

kinky twist last up to 2 − 4 months

Does kinky twists grow your hair?

KiNky tWiSt qR0WS MY hAiR i qEt thEM EVERytiME ... =]l0l . bUt yU CAN WASh thEM WEEkly ND bL0W dRy it NDPUt 0liVE 0il ND qREESE dAily !!!!!

How much are kinky twist?

i think 400

What is the name of the kinky twist hair that looks like yarn?

Yarn Twist

Can you wash kinky twist?

yes you can for more instructions on how to go to

Does kinky twist help your hair grow?


What is the best hair to do kinky twist?

dreaded hair

Fast way to remove kinky twist extensions?

wet your hair then try using a conditioner on your kinky twist then use a comb to unravel them.I try'ed it and it worked out GREAT!(:

What are the different brands of hair used for kinky twist?

Marley dreadlock braids, and Freetress are good brands for kinky twist braids. Another good brand is the Beauti collection.

When you wash your kinky twists want it get frizzy?


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