you absolutely can wash your kinky twist wash them like you normally wash your hair
apply moisturizer and your hair looks as if you just came from the shop
3 hours depends on how big they are
kinky twist last up to 2 − 4 months
KiNky tWiSt qR0WS MY hAiR i qEt thEM EVERytiME ... =]l0l . bUt yU CAN WASh thEM WEEkly ND bL0W dRy it NDPUt 0liVE 0il ND qREESE dAily !!!!!
i think 400
Yarn Twist
yes you can for more instructions on how to go to
dreaded hair
wet your hair then try using a conditioner on your kinky twist then use a comb to unravel them.I try'ed it and it worked out GREAT!(:
Marley dreadlock braids, and Freetress are good brands for kinky twist braids. Another good brand is the Beauti collection.