Taco Bell
Taco Bell .
Taco Bell Thanks, J.Man18 :D
If you mean the slogan that they use to use: "Think outside the bun."
Depending on your hair length- Short: braids or ponytail then braid it Long: pony tail then braid it then put it in a bun, bun(sock bun, messy bun), or just regular braids
This depends on who your asking bun in my Perspectives I think she pretty hot
I guess so.Everybody will think you're weird though.
I think it's the name of place
i think you could find those at a grocery store
The Easter bunny`s name is..... Peter Cottontail
it is use to make a bun
Just put it in a bun, if it is curly, when it is in a bun it will look messy.