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Q: The briton used to dye their skin with a dye called?
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Can food coloring be used to dye skin?

yes... it can be used to dye skin but it isn't permanent, it is only temporarily, but it works!

What was the purple dye that the Phoenicians used called?

Murex dye :)

Why does you hair itch when you dye it?

Because your skin/body was having a reaction to the chemicals that were in the dye and that irritation from your body not being used to those chemicals or what was in the dye caused it to itch.

What plant used to color the hair and skin?

Henna is a plant that is used to color the hair and skin. Henna can also be used to dye materials like leather and wool.

What plant was used to color the hair and skin?

There are a number of plants used to color the hair and skin. The Egyptians historically used henna to dye the skin brown; the Scottish Celts used woad to turn themselves blue.

Can you dye your arm?

You can dye the skin, but you can't go all the way through. Henna is a traditional dye for skin decoration.

What plant was used to dye hair and skin henna lotus or juniper berry?

It was the Henna tree

How do you dye your foot?

the dye in a tiedye kit will stain your skin for a while

What is rit dye made of?

Rit dye is made up of combined acids and sodium chloride which makes it dangerous for human skin and hair. Rit dye is basically used for fabric and other materials.

What is the name of a dye-yielding plant?

Indigofera tinctoria, commonly known as true indigo, is a dye-yielding plant used to produce a blue dye called indigo.

Is rit dye harmful to skin?

yes it can burn and irritate skin...

Why did important Romans wear purple?

"Tyrian Purple," the purple dye of the ancients mentioned in texts dating back to about 1600 B.C., was produced from the mucus of the hypobranchial gland of various species of marine mollusks, notably Murex. It took some 12,000 shellfish to extract 1.5 grams of the pure dye. (copied from Because of the rarity of the mollusks, and large quantities needed, purple dye was VERY expensive, and only upper nobility could even afford it. At different times during history certain rulers have decreed that only the ruler of the country could wear purple. As if anyone else could have afforded it.