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Bad thing- Unfortunatly fashion can get expensive.

Good Thing- Well fashion makes me happy so i guess that can be a good thing

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Q: The bad things and the good things about fashion?
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Why is fashion not important?

of course fashion is important, however it depends on your circumstances as in some cases fashion can lead to bad things however as a general rule it is always important to look as good as possible

What is bad things about fashion knockoff?

they rip easily

Is fashion good or not?

Fashion isn't really good or bad. Fashion is just a sense of style, and it depends on each person to say if they like fashion or not.

Is fashion bad?

Fashion is neither good nor bad, by itself. If taken to the extreme, it can be detrimental to people involved. But that is true of any enthusiasm.

What is good a example of fashion?

i dont believe there is a good or bad example of fashion because even ones style is not that appealing to others still it's not considered as a bad one because fashion is a means of expression of ones personality and style meaning fashion comes in a unique way...

If good people always do good things and bad people always do bad things why does religion make good people do bad things?

Seriously, religion doesn't make people do bad things.

How fashion is spoiling the teenager?

There is no good or bad things. only the use make them good or bad. In essence, fashion is to groom someone or to enhance his/her exposure with the outer world. but in current era, fashion is being used in negative sense. There was a time when people were simple and straight forward. I am not saying that people were not fashionable. They do. Grooming of a child is correlated to fashion if and only if fashion is not the only ray of light in life. It may be chosen as a career but not in teenage. Because fruitful education of any type is foundation of bright future and exposure.

How long does it take to be a good person?

It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.It does not take long. You can do it immediately, by doing good things and not doing bad things.

What are the bad things about good hope hospital?

bad things about hospitals

What are good and bad things about veterinarians?

bad-they molest your pet good - they treat him/her good

What were some good and bad things about the atomic bomb technology wise?

the good things were. they tested out a neucleur wepeon and the bad things are killed loads of people the good things were. they tested out a neucleur wepeon and the bad things are killed loads of people