You should always tell your parents because chances are they have already realized and are thinking about talking to you. There is no need to tell your parents about your personal grooming habits unless you really feel you need to. Tell your mother if you would like them to know. Chances are your father doesn't need to know these things about his daughter.
They should just go up to their dad and ask to start shaving. Start shaving fast . It is a special feeling you have after.
You shouldn't hide it! Its a blessing. If you where woman enough to open your legs you should be woman enough to tell your parents.
Yes you should tell your parents everything because you would have a good relationship with your parents. In addition, if you don't tell your parents everything then they might find out and you will get in even more trouble than you would if you did tell them.
I think that you should start shaving at about 13, because that's when most kids get puberty, so their hair strarts growing more. I'm not a health genius, though, so I couldn't tell you for sure, but I belive that makes sense.
There is no rulebook that says girls have to shave their legs. A lot of girls start between ages 9 and 17. As you get older, the longer, darker, and thicker your leg hair will get and the more it may bother you. Once you shave, it may grow back quicker, which just means you should shave about every other shower but it really depends on who you are. You will not regret shaving your legs, but before you do shave, you should ask or tell your mom about it. There are quite a few hazards in shaving with an adult razor. Your mother can hook you up with a safe shaver that allows you to remove your leg hair without hurting yourself.
Yes. He may be a more reserved & private man & if you intended to tell your parents, you should have let him know you were going to.
If you are bi the first person you should tell is your parents and then you can tell you frineds
tell the teacher I think you should tell a older person. Does not have to be a teacher but someone who can help you out and if they do not help tell your parents. They will talk to the bullys parents and they WILL make it stop.
just be open to them there your parents they should understand
I think you should tell them your not gonna do anything that innaproite . tell them that they could talk to him and his parents about what they think.Also don't date him until you get your parents permission
yes u should just tell her not to worry about it to much