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It's hard to control what one likes, so if a man likes pink, he likes it. To some, colors have a bearing on one's sexual or gender identity, but research shows that much of this is more a social construct than based on fact.

Most girls and women like and wear the color blue which is typically associated with boys, but people don't often seem concerned about it. A man's affinity for the color pink is no different than anyone else's color preferences.

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Q: Should men like pink
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Why do men hate pink?

Not all men hate pink. Let's face it, men don't like pink because once a guy started a rumor that pink was for girls. So, if men were seen wearing pink, they'd be teased.

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Men wearing pink is not associated with homosexuality, except as a slur or insult. This may have originated during the Holocaust, when gay men were made to wear pink triangle emblems on their clothing.Men wearing pink is not associated with homosexuality, except as a slur or insult. This may have originated during the Holocaust, when gay men were made to wear pink triangle emblems on their clothing.

Do women like men who wear pink?

It depends. Everyone likes different things. Not all women do but some do.

Is it acceptable for men to wear pink?

pink is a manly color and many men wear it though many gay men wear it to. So, you might get mistaken for a gay guy.

Is pink for men or for women?

pink is always for girls .. umm i dont think so

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Everyone knows the men on Pluto are blue! XD

When did pink shirts on men become popular?

Around 2008 because people saying pink is for girls are wrong because a colour is colour. most men wore pink shirts, pink and grey tank tops with a white top inside.