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in the beginning you when you get it done NO. DONT DONT DONT. it will close in the matter of seconds. so be very careful. ive had mine for a year. and i take it out for like 5 mins. Cuz i dont know how long it will bee till it closes. And i dont wanna test it. Hope i helped. need anything else. Feel free to ask.

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Q: Should i remove the navel ring when cleaning my piercing?
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How do you know if your over cleaning your navel piercing?

The skin around it will be dry and it'll take longer to heal.

Should you pick your belly button?

There is no reason to pick at your navel piercing. If you are cleaning it daily (which you should be) then there is no reason for picking at it. Doing so would invite the possibility of cross contamination and possible infection, because your hands are not the cleanest things to be using to pick at your navel.

How much should you feel the barbell through your navel piercing?

if its new not alot.if its an older piercing it does not matter

How do you bathe with a new navel piercing?

As you would without a navel piercing, just be sure the navel piercing is the last thing you clean before you exit the bath.

Can you wet your navel piercing?

Well if you are doing your aftercare correctly you should be getting the piercing wet every time you clean the piercing.

Can navel piercing migation be down to growth What can happen if you get a navel piercing age 14 or 15?

Your question "Can navel piercing migration be down to growth" makes no sense.

Can a woman that's pregnant still keep her navel piercing in?

She can still keep her navel piercing in.

Is anti-bacterial soap a good thing to use when cleaning a navel piercing?

Yes it is because it rids the piercing of any bacteria that causes infections . So keep using iht .

Can Weigh loss effect a navel piercing?

Yes, skin stretches 10% before it forms tear marks, so if you had your navel pierced when you had weight and you are losing the weight things should stay in place and look pretty good. Now I have never seen anyone with excessive weight manage to successfully heal a navel piercing without a great deal of trouble. If the piercing is properly placed it should end out looking as it should with weight loss, however if the piercing was done too high due to excessive weight then the piercing will look a bit odd when the weight lose is complete. That being the case remove the jewellery and have the piercing redone in the correct location. Hope that helps

Can navel piercing be on the side of your belly button?

If it hangs or dangles chances are good that it will retain a piercing. Placing the navel piercing off to the side will be problematic for aftercare and irritation during the healing process. If you haven't had a navel piercing before then stay with something that is simpler to care for and will give a result a navel piercing is supposed to give.

Should you take your belly bar out after weeks of having it pierced?

Unless you have a good reason for wanting to take out the jewellery (hospital x-rays), there should be no need to remove the jewellery from a navel piercing.