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You are lucky. There is no exact age when these things happen. Everyone reachs stages in their lives at different times. You are only 15 and I don't think you should be worried. Just be patient.

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Q: My friends have armpit hair but I don't and I am 15?
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When do you get arm pit hair?

Armpit hair begins to show once puberty has begun.

Male armpit hair?

Some do, and some don't. It's a matter of personal choice.

How much armpit hair should a 12 year old boy have?

Well to answer your question, "Is a 13 yr old boy meant to have armpit hair", my answer to you is yes! Right now I'm 15 and I have Armpit hair, Pubic hair, and Leg hair, A LOT of leg hair. I started getting Armpit hair when I was 12 so it's normal, you just are developing faster. Well I am 15 1/2, and i have barley any armpit hair, but i have pubric hair, and leg hair only on my lower limbs. I dont know why but this is how its always been, and it kinda sucks, because people who look like they are in the 6th grade have more armpit hair then me? Anybody telll me why please

Im 14 and you got armpit hair is it anything to be shy about?

DEFINITELY NOT! When I was younger I didn't get any hair there until I was late into 15. So don't be shy!

Is it strange for a 15 year old Indonesian boy to have armpit hair?

Dude its normal! come on.. Im Indonesian too... no

What age do you get armpit hair?

It is not about how old you need to be but how far you have grown into Puberty. Puberty is the stage when armpit hair and pubic hair begins. Each child is different so age has little bearing on it, although puberty can begin around 10 years old for girls and 12 years old for boys so not long after.

Is it socially acceptable for a 14 year old boy to shave his armpit hair off?

I only know of guys on the school swim team that do, but I guess its ok though some may wonder why you dont have pit hair when your 15/16. To me it is acceptable ! Yes, do it if u like. Shave it off !

How tall will I be if im 15 and 5'6 and my parents are 5'2 and 5'11 and i have a deep voice pubic hair and one or two armpit hairs?

max height = [(age x 4 + number of armpit hairs) + (average of parents height)] / 2

Why do you half to be 15 to have friends on stardoll?

you dont- you must be 13

I'm 15 and began puberty probably a year ago but my voice is still pretty high as in it sounds kinda gay is this normal?

yes, do you have armpit hair/pubes if so you voice should be changing soon. I do and I started getting armpit hair awhile ago, and I've had pubes but it still hasn't changed and that's normal?

Is it normal to have a soft penis of 4 inches and no arm pit hair when you are 15 years old?

Your penis length if fine, a little over average for your age. As for no armpit hair, there is nothing to worry about. As I'm sure you know, everyone is developing differently and at different rates. Having no armpit hair is not uncommon at your age, and some men do not develop any at all. Just don't be embarrassed about not having any, it really doesn't matter.

I am 15 years old and I don't have that much hair in my armpit does that mean that I am going to grow a lot or is it bad my penis is really big?

no its perfectly normal. your penis should have started growing at age 14