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Q: Mites live at the base of your eyelashes in a type of symbiosis known as?
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Related questions

Are false eyelashes bad?

False eyelashes are eyelashes that are trimmed and feathered to look like real lashes, but they have a self-adhesive band for you to stick them to the base of your real eyelashes. That's why they are false eyelashes- they aren't your true eyelashes (though some false lashes are made of real hair!).

Tips for Applying Eyelash Extender?

A product called an eyelash extender is applied directly to the eyelashes to increase their size. In order to make the most of the product, it should be applied in a certain way to gain the longest eyelashes possible. First, apply a coat of mascara as a base on the eyelashes. Before it dries, apply the eyelash extender on top of the mascara. Wait a minute or two until the eyelashes are dry, and then seal with a final coat of mascara. This processes guarantees the longest and fullest eyelashes, using only an eyelash extender product and a simple tube of mascara!

What is the base form of known?

The base form of "known" is "know".

Do false eyelashes look bad?

If... * you wear cheap false eyelashes that are too thick, or that have the real thick black base holding them together like 1970s false eyelashes did * you wear false eyelashes that are too long for you or * you don't blend them in with mascara after you apply them... then yeah, they look bad. But if you use the real feathery individual lashes that are applied with tweezers, you apply them with a bit of skill, and you apply mascara to them after they're in place, you can't really tell they're false--which is the look you're trying for.

The base form of verb is also known as what?

The base form of a verb is also known as the infinitive form.

What is base isolation?

also known as seismic or base isolation system.

What is the base word for unknown?


How do you get rid of dandruff on eyelashes?

i seem to have ey lash dandruff at base of eyelashes. its not alot.. but have noticed it being there since i have stopped wearing mascara 4 yrs ago.... i dont see it just looking in mirror.. but when i brush my lashes.. they seem to have become wild since i no longer wear mascara... what can i do about this... everything i read says swap and diluted baby shampoo... or almond oil at night..

What is 54 in base two?

110110 is 54 in base two, also known as binary.

Can you calculate the base of a triangle if the side and height are known?

If you know the total area and the height are known, you can find the base. Area=(1/2)(base)(height), so if you know the height and area you can solve for the base. So now, Base=Area/(1/2)(height)

What did people call the Greeks?

Greek people typically have olive-colored skin. Greeks have noses that form straight lines from base to tip. They have large eyes and thick eyelashes.

The base class of an object is known as which one what?
