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Why would you change what you like all because of a bet? If you like being more girly or preppy go for it. If you like being emo or goth or whatever it is just dress how you like

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Q: Lost bet have to go from emo to preppy?
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Why do emo guys date preppy girls?

People are attracted to different personalities and styles, so it's not uncommon for emo guys to be interested in preppy girls or vice versa. Relationships are based on compatibility and connection, so as long as they have common interests and values, the differences in style shouldn't be a significant barrier.

How can a guy dress preppy and surfer?

Go to Hollister. Nuff said.

How can you get the Emo looks?

go to this link:

How and where can you find a emo single boy?

go onto google and serch emo dating sites and there will be loads of emo boys

How do you convince your mom to let you get Reach?

Say its for school? or say you lost a bet and she has to go out and buy it for you.. that's my advice..

How do you get you brother to go emo?

you can't force people to be emo emo (short for emotional) is the way someone feels you can try to convince your brother that emo music or clothes are cool but you can't make him feel emo

Can you be an emo and not dress like one?

yes, you can. but most emo's keep with the black suitings like myself. most emo's don't usually like to be noticed as a preppy colorful person ,we actually like to just be left the heck alone. as i have once said if you value your insanity, stay the way you are. i am a true emo like the rest of you out there but i know that most of us have our own styles and most of us don't really go for the bright florescent colors like the neon pinks, oranges , and yellows. YUCK! if you are emo then you know that life truly sucks and love and hate collide into one to form nothing but a black abyss that carries your heart and soul to nothing but darkness. i think i must have died long ago..... by:a true emo girl!

If you get angry can you go emo?

no emo is about being sad about the world if u get angry then go goth two totally diffrent typed of people

How do you find emo friends?

you can find emo friends on or there is a lot of websites you can go on to find them.

What place has the best emo haircuts?

There isn't a particular place to go, its the type of emo hair cut you get that makes your hair look more authentically emo.

What kind of style should some one whos depressed and cutts go with emo punk or goth?

Well. I think emo. I'm emo and I cut even thought thats not "the criteria" to be emo. Emo is better than goth >:U

Do emo girls like non-emo guys or is it possible for a non-emo guy to get a emo girl to like him?

they must have converted to being emo soon for it to happen. If the girl is sterotype emo then Most likly no. they do alot of dating withen the group. If they do find you attractive the relashinip will not last actually, as an emo, I can say that not all emo girls go for emo guys. emo girls can date non-emo guys if she wants to. the only thing that matters is whats on the inside.