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Depends where the piercing is. Places such as the ear lobe contain fewer nerve endings than the lips, for example.

The reasons you should not attempt to pierce your self should be obvious, but for those who think it's a "DIY" project, here's some food for thought.

Infection and contraction of MRSA, HIV, Meningitis, Hepatitis and Tetanus are all very serious health issues, MRSA is an antibiotic resistant bacteria that can in most cases land the unlucky individual in the hospital (and has been responsible for serious deformities and deaths). These infections has been caused by using unsterilized equipment and materials. Sterilization is not achieved by pouring alcohol over needles and jewellery, or burning these items over a fire or exposed flame. Microorganisms live in the fine fissures and cracks in needles and jewellery and only the high temperature and pressure of a steam Autoclave can render these and many other bacteria harmless.

The above reasons alone should be enough to sway anyone from thinking they can do it themselves. Professional body piercers have years of hands on training and education to enable them to make any piercing "look simple", when in fact they are considering dozens of things when they lay out a piercing and actually do it. So consider your lack of knowledge, training and skills before you attempt to do any self piercing, once you pierce it, it's damaged tissue. This makes it even more difficult for a professional piercer to leave you with a great looking piercing when the area we have to work with is damaged by self inflicted attempts.

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Q: Is there nerves you can hit while piercing?
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What will happen if i hit a nerve piercing my nose?

There are no nerves in your nose that can cause you problems.

What happens if you hit a nerve while getting a piercing?

You will feel pain.

What do do if you hit a nerve while piercing your bellybutton?

You won't have that problem if you go to a professional.

What hurts worse lip piercing or nose piercing?

A lip piercing hurts worse. nose is more cartilidge and has less nerves than the lip.

What happens when you hit a vien while piercing?

most likely you'll start bleeding...alot!

Are there any nerves in your septum?

Yes there are veins and nerves in your septum. If you are thinking of doing a piercing it can be VERY dangerous.

Can you hit a serious nerve while piercing your lip?

Yeah go to a shop to be safe , or somebody expierenced.

My first lip piercing didn't bleed but when I did one next to it it bled Why?

I am going to assume you did them yourself and the piercing wasn't done by a professional body piercer, there fore a vein was hit while doing the piercing. That is why it is bleeding.

What is the nerve job?

The nerves job it to tell the brain when something is not write, e.g if something is piercing the skin the nerves tell the brain and the brain make your reaction for it.

How do you know you are not going to hit a vien while pericing a lip?

Well you know you wont hit a vein when the piercing is done by a professional body piercer working in a licensed and inspected facility. Don't mess with things you know nothing about, leave the piercing to an experienced professional.

Will you die from bleeding if you hit a vein while piercing your belly button?

Unlikely, although hitting a vein does increase the chance of an infection.

Can you have a nose piercing while working at Carter's?

It is not advised for you to have a nose piercing while working at Carter's.