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for tongue piercings YES. but i don't recommend it for swellings or cracks, bcause it will hurt a lot and i doesn't do anything. saltwater is just for new piercings to heal and prevent from infections.

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14y ago

sea salt water is good but only the can spray from a piercing shop

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Q: Is salt water good for a tongue piercing?
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Can you use salt water on tongue piercing?

Salt water is great for cleansing sores in your mouth (gargling it at least). Can't see why that would be bad for cleansing your tongue piercing. (Just don't swallow! Ouch.)

What do i use to rinse after tongue piercing?

use warm salt water.. swill it round... spit:)

What kind of salt water for tongue piercing?

Natural Sea Salt and tap water. I use a pinch of salt for a shotglass amount of warm water. or you can use 1/4 tsp of salt for 8 oz water.

How do you keep your tongue piercing clean?

Rinse it with either salt water or an alcohol-free mouthwash after every meal.

Where do you get sea salt from for my tongue piercing?

Any grocery store.

What to do after getting a tongue piercing for the first time?

Rinse with salt water and DILUTED mouth wash (non alcohol is best)

What can you swill your tongue piercing with after eating other than mouth wash or salt solution will just water work?

just water alone wont work, salt solution is good, and its pretty cheap too. Or you could just put some toothpaste in a bit of water, mix it and then use that.

How do you take care of your tongue piercing?

After you eat or drink, gargle salt water, and in the Morning and at night gargle mouth wash, alcohol free...

When cleaning a piercing does using uniondized salt hurt?

If you were to clean your piercing with salt by itself, it would certainly hurt! What people actually clean their piercing with is saline solution- a mix of sea salt and water. (A good ratio to use is 1 table spoon of salt per cup of water.) The saline solution itself should not hurt your piercing. However, sometime cleaning a piercing will irritate it. This may hurt, but the salt is not responsible.

How do you care for Tongue piercing?

Sea Salt. You need to carry a bottle of "Sea Salt" water with you because you need to rinse every time you smoke, eat, kiss, or do anything besides talk.

How do you bring down swelling on a tongue piercing?

gurgle some salt water every two times daily for a while til the swelling goes down

Is there risks for tongue piercing and how big is the risk?

no if you get some good cleaning solution such as salt for oral piercings, rinse your mouth out with it after meals until the infection goes.