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Whether it's normal to feel pain after retrieving a 'stuck' tampon depends on what you mean by it being 'stuck', what you did to retrieve it, and how long afterwards it continues to hurt. If the tampon was 'stuck' because it was too dry then it would have caused vaginal tearing and irritation so would hurt. If the tampon was 'stuck' because you were tense and you had to force it out that would hurt too. If you're experiencing pain days or weeks after removal then you may be looking at an infection.

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Q: Is pain normal after retrieving a stuck tampon?
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It can hurt to insert a tampon, but it shouldn't - pain is not normal when using tampons.It can hurt if you're not relaxed enough when inserting tampons because the vaginal walls clench together when you're tense, thus you'd be pushing against vaginal walls when inserting tampons. If you use too high an absorbency or if you use tampons you're allergic to this can cause pain, as too will using tampons without sufficient flow. You can also experience pain if you don't insert at an angle or if you don't insert the tampon high enough in the vagina.

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Yes, you would be able to feel if there was a tampon still within your vagina. If you suspect you may still have a tampon in place clean your hands and insert fingers vaginally to feel around the vaginal canal to check - your vaginal canal isn't that long so you should be able to reach easily, but if you do struggle try to squat and push down as if you were passing a bowel movement. If you can't tell if there is a tampon there then you should tell someone to ask for help or see your doctor.

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Is there pain with the use of a Transvaginal Ultrasound?

no, i have had a few during my pregnancy its not painfull, the camara is only a little bit bigger then a tampon. good luck

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No, severe abdominal pain is never normal! Call the doctor or go to the hospital. No, severe abdominal pain is never normal! Call the doctor or go to the hospital.