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Lip gloss is made out of neither. It's acctually made out of jobala oil which comes from the jobala plant not fish scales or whale sperm. However it used to be made out of oil (blubber) from the sperm whale's head. But they didn't use whale sperm.

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Q: Is lip gloss made out of fish scales or whale sperm?
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What do fish scales and lipstick have in common?

Yes, lip gloss does contain fish scales. But there are some that do not include fish scales but they are very rare. you can buy Aveda. All natural plant and flower from

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i dont know what chemicals are in it, but i know they put fish scales in it.

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They make them all shiny and sparkly when they are ground up and mixed with lip gloss.

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if you mean lipstick, WHALE BLUBBER or FISH SCALES

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